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Literature and schools


Aalen, S.: Guds kungavälde eller Guds rike. See Svensk Exetisk Årsbok (1965).

Aarde, A.G. van: "The most high God does live in houses, but not in houses built by men . . ." The relativity of the metaphor "temple" in Luke-Acts. See Neotestamentica (1991).

Aarde, A.G. van. See also Oliver, W.H. - Aarde, A.G. van: The community of faith as dwelling-place of the Father: "basileia tou theou" as "household of God" in the Johannine farewell discourse(s).

Abba, R.: Priests and Levites in Ezekiel. See Vetus Testamentum (1978).

Aberbach, M. See Smolar, L.-Aberbach M.: The Golden Calf Episode in Postbiblical Literature.

Ackerman, James S. : The Rabbinic Interpretation of Psalm 82 and the Gospel of John (John 10:34). See Harvard Theological Review 59 (1966)

Adams, Geoff A.: The New Covenant of Jeremiah 31:31-37. See Reformation and Revival (1997).

Adrian, Lars Micael: Jag är döv, halvblind och helgalen - Personligt med Astrid Lindgren. See Växjö Stifts Hembygdskalender 1996/97.

Afton-Tidningen 1910-09-05; 1910-09-29; 1911-05-27; 1911-05-29; 1911-05-30; 1911-06-17; 1912-01-15; 1912-01-22; 1912-01-23; 1912-01-25. See Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter 1900-1912.

Agourides, Savas: 'High Priestly Prayer' of Jesus. See Texte und Untersuchungen (1968).

Ahlström, G.: The House of Wisdom. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1979).

Albrektson, Bertil: Är översättning också tolkning? See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1986).

Allen, Leslie C.: Psalm 73: Pilgrimage from Doubt to Faith. See Bulletin for Biblical Research (1997).

Allen, Ronald B.: The Bloody Bridegroom in Exodus 4:24-26. See Bibliotheca Sacra (1996).

Almquist, Arvid: På konungens bud. See Soluppgången 1957.

Almquist, Carl Jonas Love: Letter 1854-07-08 from Philadelphia to wife and daughter. See Berg, R.G.: C.J.L. Almquist i landsflykten 1851-1866.

Aloisi, John: The Paraclete's Ministry of Conviction: Another look at John 16:8-11. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (March 2004).

Alt-Eissfeldt-Kahle: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (1984)

Altink, Willem: 1 Chronicles 16:8-36 as literary source for Revelation 14:6-7. See Andrews University Seminary Studies (1984).

Analecta Biblica (1974)

Anderson, A.A.: Psalms 1-72 (1972,1985)

Andrews University Seminary Studies (1972-1973,1984,1988,2000-2001)

Ansell, Nicholas John: The call for Wisdom/The Voice of the Serpent: A Canonical Approach to the Tree of Knowledge. See Christian Scholars Review (2001).

Armerding, Carl: The Marriage in Cana. See Bibliotheca Sacra (1961).

Arvedson, T.: Jesus som narrkonung. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 12 (1947): 12:25-35.

Ashton, John: The Transformation of Wisdom. A Study of the Prologue of John's Gospel. See New Testament Studies (1986).

Ashton, T.S.: The Industrial Revolution 1760-1830 (1948,1962)

Astour, M.C.: Ezekiel's Prophecy of Gog and the Cuthaean Legend of Naram-Sin. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1976).

Attridge, Harold W.: Thematic Developement and Source Elaboration in John 7:1-36. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1960).

Aune, David E.: St John's Portrait of the Church in the Apocalypse. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1966).

Aune, David E.: The Form and Function of the Proclamations to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3). See New Testament Studies (1990).

Aune, David E.: The Prophetic Circle of John of Patmos and the Exegesis of Revelation 22:16. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1989).

Aune, David E.: The Social Matrix of the Apocalypse of John. See Biblical Research (1981).

Australian Biblical Review (1983,1986-1987,1992,1997-2000)

Baarda, Tjitze: John 8:57B. See Novum Testamentum 38.4 (1996).

Bademas, Roberto D.: The meaning of "telos" in Romans 10:4. See Andews University Seminary Studies (1984).

Badke; William B.: Baptised into Moses - Baptised into Christ: a Study in Doctrinal Developement. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1988).

Bailey, Kenneth E.: The Shepherd Poems of John 10. Their Culture and Style. See Near East School of Theology Theological Review 14 (1993). See also Irish Biblical Studies 15.1 (1993):2-17.

Baker, David L.: The Jubilee and the Millenium. See Themelios (1998).

Balfour, Glenn: The Jewishness of John's Use of the Scriptures in John 6:31 and 7:37-38. See Tyndale Bulletin 46:2 (1995).

Bammel, C.P.: The farewell discourse in patristic exegesis. See Neotestamentica (1991).

Bammel, Ernst: The Farewell Discourse of the Evangelist John and ist Jewish Heritage. See Tyndale Bulletin (1993)

Bampfylde, G.: John XIX:28: A case for a Different Translation. See Novum Testamentum 11 (1969).

Barclay, William: New Testament Words (1974)

Barclay, William: The Acts of the Apostles (1953,1976)

Barclay, William: The Gospel of Luke (1953,1975)

Barnabas. See The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol I.

Barndom i Småland (1967). Smålands Författarsällskaps kalender 1967.

Barrett, C.K.: The Apostles in and after the New Testament. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1956).

Barrett, C.K.: The Gospel according to St John (1955,1978,1991)

Barrick, W.B.: What do we really know about "high-places"? See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1980).

Barth, Karl: Church Dogmatics III (1958)

Barton, H. Arnold: Letters From The Promised Land - Swedes in America, 1840-1914 (1975,2012)

Barton, Stephen: The Believer, the Historian and the Fourth Gospel. See Theology (1993).

Bauckham, Richard J.: God in the Book of Revelation. See Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association (1995).

Bauckham, Richard J.: Papias and Polycrates on the Origin of the Fourth Gospel. See Journal of Theological Studies (1993).

Bauckham, Richard J.: Synoptic Parousia Parables and the Apocalypse. See New Testament Studies (1976-1977).

Bauckham, Richard J.: The 153 Fish and the Unity of the Fourth Gospel. See Neotestamentica 36 (2002).

Bauckham, Richard J.: The Beloved Disciple as Ideal Author. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1993).

Bauckham, Richard J.: The Eschatological Earthquake in the Apocalypse of John. See (the journal) Novum Testamentum (1977).

Bauckham, Richard J.: The List of the Tribes in Revelation 7 Again. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1991).

Bauckham, Richard J.: The Martyrdom of Enoch and Elijah: Jewish or Christian? See Journal of Biblical Literature (1976).

Bauckham, Richard J.: The Role of the Spirit in the Apocalypse. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1980).

Bauer, Walter: A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (1957,1979)

Beale, G.K.: The Daniel Background to Revelation 13-18 and 17:9. See Tyndale Bulletin (1980).

Beale, G.K.: The Descent of the Eschatological Temple in the Form of the Spirit at Pentecost: Part 1: The Clearest Evidence. See Tyndale Bulletin (2005).

Beale, G.K.: The Descent of the Eschatological Temple in the Form of the Spirit at Pentecost: Part 2: Corrobating Evidence. See Tyndale Bulletin (2005).

Beale, G.K.: The influence of Daniel upon the structure och theology of John's Apocalypse. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1984).

Beale, G.K.: The Old Testament Background of Paul's Reference to "the Fruit of the Spirit" in Galatians 5:22. See Bulletin for Biblical Research (2005).

Beasley-Murray, G.R.: The second coming in the Book of Revelation. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1951).

Bechtler, Steven Richard: Christ, the Telos of the Law. The Goal of Romans 10.4. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1994).

Beck, John A.: Why did Moses Strike Out? The Narrative-Geographical Shaping of Moses' Disqualification in Numbers 20:1-13. See Westminster Theological Journal (2003).

Beetham, F.G. och P.A.: A Note on John 19:29. See Journal of Theological Studies (1993).

Beitzel, Barry J.: Exodus 3:14 And The Divine Name. A Case of Biblical Paronomasia. See Trinity Journal (1980).

Belle, Gilbert van: The Faith of the Galileans: The Parenthesis in Jn 4:44. See Epheminides Theological Lovansienses (1998).

Belleville, Linda L.: "Born of Water and Spirit" John 3:5. See Trinity Journal (1980).

Bengtsson, Håkan: Tro och liv inom judendomen. See Mitternacht-Runesson.

Bengtsson, Håkan: "Undergångens man": Om utgestaltningen av Judas Iskariot i två moderna passionsspel. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (2004).

Bennema, Cornelis: Spirit-Baptism in the Fourth Gospel A Messianic Reading of John 1:33. See Biblica (2003).

Bennema, Cornelis: The Giving of the Spirit in John's Gospel - A New Proposal?. See The Evangelical Quarterly (2002).

Bentzen, A.: Övergången över havet. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1937).

Berg, R.G.: C.J.L. Almquist i landsflykten 1851-1866. See Barton, H. Arnold: Letters From The Promised Land - Swedes in America, 1840-1914.

Bergsma, John Sietze: The Jubilee: A Post-Exilic Priestly attempt to Reclaim Lands? See Biblica (2003).

Berkouwer, G.C.: Man the Image of God (1975)

Beskow, Per (Janzon, P.): Nikolaiterna i Nya testamentet och i fornkyrkan. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1956).

Beskow, Per: Mission, Trade and Emigration in the Second Century. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1970).

Beutler, Johannes: Greeks Come to See Jesus (John 12:20f). See Biblica (1990).

Beutler, Johannes: The Ways of Gathering: The Plot to Kill Jesus in John 11:47-50. See New Testament Studies (1994).

Bible Today (1981)

Biblica (1963,1975,1980,1984-1987,1990,1992-1994,1997-2000,2002,2003,2006)

Biblical Archaeologist (1975)

Biblical Research (1975,1981)

Biblical Theological Bulletin (1978,1982,1994-1996)

Bibliotheca Sacra (1955,1959,1961,1972,1982,1990,1996-1997,1999,2000,2003)

Biblische Zeitschrift (1963)

Birkeland, H.: Oppstandelsetroen i Det Gamle Testament. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1948).

Bishop, Eric FF: The Door of the Sheep - John X:7-9". See Expository Times (1960).

Björkhagen, Im.: Engelsk läsebok för mellanstadiet (1955)

Black, David Alan: Paul and Christian Unity: A Formal Analysis of Philippians 2:1-4. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1985).

Black, David Alan: The text of John 3:13. See Grace Theological Journal (1985).

Blaiklock, EM: The Acts of the Apostles (1959,1977)

Blocher, Henri: The Fear of the Lord as the "Principle" of Wisdom. See Tyndale Bulletin (1977).

Block, Daniel I.: Gog and the Pouring Out of the Spirit: Reflections on Ezekiel XXXIX:21-29. See Vetus Testamentum (1987).

Block, Daniel I.: How many is God? an investigation into the meaning of Deuteronomy 6:4-5. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (2004).

Block, Per: Människosonens dom. See Hartman, Lars: Ur Nya testamentet.

Blomberg, Craig L.: The Law in Luke-Acts. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1984).

Blänkaren (1885). See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Boismard, M-È: Moses or Jesus – An Essay in Johannine Christology. (1993)

Borgen, Peder: Logos var det sanne lys. Momenter till tolkning av Johannesprologen. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1970).

Borgen, Peder: The Use of Tradition in John 12:44-50. See New Testament Studies (1979).

Botha, J.E.: Reader "entrapment" as literary device in John 4:1-42. See Neotestamentica (1990).

Botha, P.J.J.: God, emperor worship and society: Contemporary experiences and the Book of Revelation. See Neotestamentica (1988).

Bovon, François: John's Self-Presentation in Revelation 1:9-10. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (2000).

Bowles, Ralph G.: Does Revelation 14:11 Teach Eternal torment? Examining a Proof-text on Hell. See The Evangelical Quarterly (2001).

Bowman, Ann L.: Women in Ministry: An Exegetical Study of 1 Timothy 2:11-15. See Bibliotheca Sacra (1997).

Boyer, James L.: Are the Seven Letters of Revelation 2-3 Prophetic? See Grace Theological Journal (1985).

Boyle, John L.: The Last Discourse (Jn 13,31-16,33) and Prayer (Jn 17): Some Observations on Their Unity and Development. See Biblica (1975).

Brawley, Robert L.: An Absent Complement and Intertextuality in John 19:28-29. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1993).

Breck, John: John 21: Appendix, Epilogue or Conclusion? See Saint Vladimir's Theological Quarterly (1992).

Bredin, M.R.J.: The Influence of the Aqedah on Revelation 5:6-9. See Irish Biblical Studies (1996).

Broadus, John: True Spiritual Worship: John 4:1-42. See Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (1998).

Brown, Raymond E.: The Gospel according to John 29-29A (1966-86,1970-86)

Brown, Raymond E.: The Epistles of John (1982,1985)

Bruce, F.F.: 1 and 2 Corinthians (1971,1980)

Bruce, FF: Commentary on the Book of the Acts (1954,1976)

Bruce; F.F.: Luke's Presentation of the Spirit in Acts. See Criswell Theological Review (1990).

Bruce, F.F.: Some notes on the Fourth Evangelist. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1944).

Bruce, F.F.: St. John At Ephesus. See Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester (1978).

Bruce, F.F.: The Earliest Latin Commentary on the Apocalypse. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1938).

Bruce, F.F.: The Epistle to the Galatians (1982,1983)

Bruce, F.F.: The Epistle to the Hebrews (1964,1981)

Bruce, F.F.: The Holy Spirit in the Acts. See Interpretation (1973).

Brun, L.: Ordet, lyset, livet Joh 1:1-5. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1940).

Bryan, Steven M.: Power in the Pool: the Healing of the Man at Bethesda and Jesus' violation of the Sabbath (Jn 5:1-18)". See Tyndale Bulletin (2003).

Bryan, Steven M.: The Eschatological Temple in John 14. See Bulletin for Biblical Research (2005).

Bull, Robert J.: An Archaeological Context for Understanding John 4:20. See Biblical Archaeologist (1975).

Bulletin for Biblical Research (1991,1995-1998,2001,2002,2005)

Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society (1960-1961,1963,1966)

Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester (1978)

Bultmann, Rudolf: The Gospel of John (1964,1971)

Burkett, Delbert: Two Accounts of Lazarus' Resurrection in John 11. See Novum Testamentum (1994).

Butler, D.E.: The Study of Political Behaviour (1958,1963)

Byl, John: On the Capacity of Solomon's Molten Sea. See Vetus Testamentum (1998).

Byrne, Brendan: The Faith of the Beloved Disciple and the Community in John 20. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1985).

Byron, Brian Francis: Bethany Across the Jordan or Simply: Across the Jordan. See Australian Biblical Review (1998).

Cadbury, Henry Joel: The meaning of John 20:23, Matthew 16:19 and Matthew 18:18. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1939).

Cadbury, Henry Joel: The odor of the spirit at Pentecost. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1928).

Calvin: See Wendel, François: Calvin. See also De Kroon, Marijn: The honour of God and human salvation; Calvin's theology according to his Institutes.

Campbell, Gordon: Antithetical Feminine-Urban Imagery and a Tale of Two Women-Cities in the Book of Revelation. See Tyndale Bulletin (2004).

Campbell, Gordon: Findings, Seals, Trumpets and Bowls: Variations Upon the Theme of Covenant Rupture and Restoration in the Book of Revelation. See Westminster Theological Journal (2004).

Campbell, K.M.: The New Jerusalem in Matthew 5:14. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1978).

Campbell, R. Alistair: Baptism and Resurrection (1 Cor 15:29). See Australian Biblical Review (1999).

Campbell, R.J.: Evidence for the Historicity of the Fourth Gospel in John 2:13-22. See Livingstone, Elizabeth A., ed., Studia Evangelica, Vol. 7 (1982).

Campbell, Robert W.: Soviet Economic Power (1960)

Campenhausen, H. von: Prästbegreppets uppkomst i den gamla kyrkan. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1939).

Canadian Journal of Theology (1970)

Caneday, A.B.: They exchanged the Glory of God for the Likeness of an image: Idolatrous Adam and Israel as Representatives in Paul's Letter to the Romans. See Southern Baptist Journal of theology (2007).

Cantwell, Laurence: Immortal Longings in Sermone Humuli: A Study of John 4:5-26. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1983).

Caragounis, Chrys C.: Jesus, his Brothers and the Journey to the Feast (John 7:8-10). See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1998).

Carlsson, Leif: Round trips to heaven. Otherworldly Travelers in Early Judaism and Christianity. (2004)

Carlsson, Leif: Tröst och trots - Uppenbarelseboken (2007)

Carson, Donald A.: Understanding Misunderstandings in the Fourth Gospel. See Tyndale Bulletin (1982).

Casselli, Stephen J.: Jesus as Eschatological Torah. See Trinity Journal (1997).

Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1957,1960,1966-1969,1974,1981,1986,1989-1990,1993-1995,1997,1998,2000)

Cavallin, H.C.: Jesus gör de döda levande. Jn 11:25 jämfört med sadukeerperikopen och paulinska texter om de dödas uppståndelse som bidrag till johanneisk kristologi. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1986).

Charles, J. Daryl: An Apocalyptic Tribute to the Lamb (Rev 5:1-14). See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1991).

Charles, J. Daryl: Imperial Pretensions and the Throne-Vision of the Lamb: Observations on the Function of Revelation 5. See Criswell Theological Review (1993).

Chavel, Charles B.: The Releasing of a Prisoner on the Eve of Passover in Ancient Jerusalem. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1941).

Chin, Moses: A Heavenly Home for the Homeless: Aliens and strangers in 1 Peter. See Tyndale Bulletin (1991).

Christian Scholars Review (2001)

Chrysostom, see Schaff: The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Vol IX-XIV

Cipolla, Carlo: The Economic History of World Population (1962)

Clapham, J.H.: Economic Development of France and Germany 1815-1914 (1921,1961)

Clark, Gordon Haddon: Wisdom in First Corinthians. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1972).

Clement of Alexandria. See The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol II.

Clement of Rome. See The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol I.

Coakley, James F.: Jesus' Messianic Entry into Jerusalem (John 12:12-19 par.). See Journal of Theological Studies (1995).

Coakley, James F.: The Anointing at Bethany and the Priority of John. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1988).

Coats, G.W.: The Song of the Sea. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1969).

Coetzee, J.C.: Christ and the prince of this world in the Gospel and the Epistles of St. John. See Neotestamentica (1968).

Coetzee, J.C.: Life (eternal life) in St. John's Writings and the Qumran scrolls. See Neotestamentica (1972).

Coetzee, J.C.: The Holy Spirit in 1 John. See Neotestamentica (1979).

Coetzer, W.C.: The Holy Spirit and the Eschatological View in Romans 8. See Neotestamentica (1981).

Cole, H.R.: The Sabbath and the Alien. See Andrews University Seminary Studies (2000).

Collins, C. John: John 4:23-24 "In Spirit and Truth": An Idiomatic Proposal. See Presbyterion (1995).

Coloe, Mary: Raising the Johannine Temple (John 19:19-37). See Australian Biblical Review (2000).

Coloe, Mary: The structure of the Johannine Prologue and Genesis 1. See Australian Biblical Review (1997).

Compton, R. Bruce: Water Baptism and the Forgiveness of Sins in Acts 2:38. See Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal (1999).

Conzelmann, H.: Jesu självmedvetande. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1963/64).

Cook, Donald E.: A Gospel Portrait of the Pharisees. See Review and Expositor (1987).

Cook, W. Robert: Eschatology in John's Gospel. See Criswell Theological Review (1988).

Cook, W. Robert: The "Glory" Motif in the Johannine Corpus. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1984).

Corell, A: Det historiska och det homiletiska nu. Till Joh 12:31. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1945).

Cory, Catherine: Wisdom's Rescue: A New Reading of the Tabernacles Discourse (John 7:1-8:59). See Journal of Biblical Literature (1997).

Cotterell, F. Peter: The Nicodemus Conversation: A Fresh Appraisal. See Expository Times (1985).

Cousins, Peter E.: The Feeding of the Five Thousand. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1967).

Cox, Leo G.: John's witness to the historical Jesus. See Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society (1966).

Criswell Theological Review (1986,1988,1990,1993-1994)

Culpepper, R. Alan: The theology of the Johannine passion narrative: John 19:16b-30. See Neotestamentica (1997).

Currents in Theology and Missions (1979)

Curtis, K. Peter G.: Luke XXIV. 12 and John XX.3.10". See Journal of Theological Studies 22 (1971): 512-515.

Dagens Krönika, andra häftet (1882). See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Dagens Nyheter 1884. See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Dagens Nyheter 1905-12-24; 1912-03-18. See Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter 1900-1912.

Dagens Nyheter 1944-05-21. See Lindgren, Astrid: Krigsdagböcker 1939-1945.

Dahl, N.A.: Trinitariske dåpsbekjennelser och nytestamentlig teologi. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1983).

Dahlhielm, Aug-Bång, O.: Hvad varslar tiden och hvad stundar? (1906)

Danell, Sven: Dagpostilla (1981)

Danell, Sven: Kyrkoårets vardag (1964)

Danell, Sven: Sagt inför döden (1979)

D'Angelo, Mary R.: A Critical Note. John 20:17 and Apocalypse of Moses 31. See Journal of Theological Studies (1990).

Danna, Elizabeth: A Note on John 4:29. See Révue Biblique (1999).

Darby, J.N.: Nya Testamentet (1867,1872,1884,1961)

Davies, Douglas James: An Interpretation of Sacrifice in Leviticus. See Zeitschrift für de alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (1977).

Davis, Basil S.: The Identity of the Disciple whom Jesus Loved. See Expository Times 113.7 (2002).

Davis, Dale Ralph: Relationship between the seals, trumpets and bowls in the Book of Revelation. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1973).

Dawes, Gregory W.: The Danger of Idoltry: First Corinthians 8:7-13. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1966).

Decock, Paul B.: The Scriptures in the Book of Revelation. See Neotestamentica (1999).

Derickson, Gary W.: Viticulture and John 15:1-6. See Bibliotheca Sacra (1996).

Derrett, J. Duncan M.: Advocacy at John 16:8-11. See Expository Times (1999).

Derrett, J. Duncan M.: "Artos" and the Comma (Jn 21:9). See Filoogia Neotestamentaria (1997).

Derrett, J. Duncan M.: Circumcision and Perfection: A Johannine Equation (John 7:22-23). See The Evangelical Quarterly (1991).

Derrett, J. Duncan M.: "Dost Though Teach Us?" (John 9:34c). See Downside Review (1998).

Derrett, J. Duncan M.: zônnymi. ferô. allos. The Fate of Peter (Jn 21:18-19). See Filologia Neotestamentaria (1995).

Derrett, J. Duncan M.: John 9:6 read with Isaiah 6:10; 29:9. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1994).

Derrett. J. Duncan M.: Not Seeing and Later Seeing (John 16:16). See Expository Times (1998).

Derrett, J. Duncan M.: The Samatarian Woman's Purity (Jn. 4:4-42). See The Evangelical Quarterly (1988).

Derrett, J. Duncan M.: Water into Wine. See Biblische Zeitschrift (1963).

Desilva, David A.: A Sociorethorical Interpretation of Revelation 14:6-13: A Call to Act Justly toward the Just and Judging God. See Bulletin for Biblical Research (1999).

Desilva, David A.: No Confidence in the Flesh: The Meaning and Function of Phil 3:2-21. See Trinity Journal (1994).

Desilva, David A.: The Image of the Beast and the Christians in Asia Minor. See Trinity Journal (1991).

Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal (1999)

Dever, Mark: A Vision of God: Ezekiel 1:1-20. See Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (1998).

Dewailly, L.M.: Varifrån är du? (Joh 19:9). See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1984).

Dewailly, L.M.: Vilket bröd avses i Fader vår? See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1980).

Dewey, Kim E.: Paroimiai in the Gospel of John. See Semeia (1980).

Dickerson, Patrick L.: The Sources of the Account of the Mission to Samaria in Acts 8:5-25. See (the journal) Novum testamentum (1997).

Dijkstra, Meindert: Is Balaam Also Among the Prophets? See Journal of Biblical Literature (1995).

Dinzes, Deborah: A Guide to California's historic sites and museums (1993)

Dockery, David S.: Reading John 4:1-45: Some Diverse Hermeneutical Perspectives. See Criswell Theological Review (1988).

Dodd, C.H.: The Founder of Christianity (1970,1986)

Dodd, C.H.: The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel (1953,1992)

Domeris, William R.: The Confession of Peter. According to John 6:69. See Tyndale Bulletin (1993).

Domeris, William R.: The farewell discourse. An anthropological approach. See Neotestamentica (1991).

Downside Review (1998)

Dozier, Thomas A.: If Spring Is Stormy, What of the Summer? (1968). See Life Atlantic, The Magazine, June 24, 1968.

Draper, James A.: Holy seed and the return of the Diaspora in John 12:24. See Neotestamentica (2000).

Draper, James A.: Temple, Tabernacle and Mystical Experience in John. See Neotestamentica (1997).

Draper, James A.: The sociological function of the Spirit/Paraclete in the farewell discourses in the Fourth Gospel. See Neotestamentica (1992).

Duda, Eugeniusz: The Old Synagogue at Cracows's Kazimierz (2005)

Dulk, Matthijs den: The Promises to the Conquerors in the Book of Revelation. See Biblica (2006).

Dunkerley, Roderick: Lazarus. See New Testament Studies (1959).

Dunn, James J.G.: The Washing of the Disciples' Feet in John 13:1-20. See Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (1970).

Dvorak, James D.: The Relationship between John and the Synoptic Gospels. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1998).

Dylan, Bob: Ain't Gonna Grieve (1963). See Dylan, Bob: Lyrics 1962-2001.

Dylan, Bob: Are You Ready? (1980). See Dylan, Bob: Lyrics 1962-2001.

Dylan, Bob: City Of Gold (1980). See Dylan, Bob: Lyrics 1962-2001.

Dylan, Bob: Gates of Eden (1965). See Dylan, Bob: Lyrics 1962-2001.

Dylan, Bob: Long Ago, Far Away (1962,1990). See Dylan, Bob: Lyrics 1962-2001.

Dylan, Bob: Lyrics 1962-2001 (2004)

Dylan, Bob: Precious Angel (1979). See Dylan, Bob: Lyrics 1962-2001.

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Edersheim, Alfred: The Temple, its Ministry and Services as they were at the Time of Jesus Christ (1874, reprinted 1985)

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Edwards, M.J.: Not Yet Fifty Years Old: John 8:57. See New Testament Studies (1994).

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Eichrodt, Walther: The Holy One in Your Midst: The Theology of Hosea. See Interpretation (1961).

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Ellis, Peter F.: The Authencity of John 21. See Saint Vladimir's Theological Quarterly (1992).

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Emerton, John A.: Melchizadek and the Gods: Fresh Evidence for the Jewish background of John X:34-36. See Journal of Theological Studies (1966).

Emmrich, Martin: The Case Against Moses Reopened. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (2003).

Engnell, I.: Work in the Old Testament. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1961).

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Esking, E.: Johannesevangeliet och historien. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1945).

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European Journal of Theology (1996)

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Expository Times (1953,1960,1981,1983,1985,1996-1999,2001-2002,2006)

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Farmer, William R.: The Palm Branches in John 12:13. See Journal of Theological Studies (1952).

Fee, Gordon D.: On the Inauthenticity of John 5:3b-4. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1982).

Feinberg, Charles. See Lee Feinberg, Charles.

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Feyerabend, Karl: Classical Greek-English (Langenscheidt's Pocket Dictionary)

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Floor, L.: The General Priesthood of Believers in the Epistle to the Hebrews. See Neotestamentica (1971).

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Ford, Josephine M.: Jesus as Sovereign in the Passion according to John. See Biblical Theological Bulletin (1995).

Forestell, J.T.: The Word of the Cross: Salvation as Revelation in the Fourth Gospel. See Analecta Biblica (1974).

Forkman, G.: Människans förändring - ett tema i Johannesevangeliet. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1986).

Fornberg, T.: Bibeln och de många religionerna. Harmoni eller konflikt? See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1995).

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Foundations (1991)

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Fox, Michael V.: Ideas of Wisdom in Proverbs 1-9. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1997).

Franck, E.: Att översätta dubbeltydigheter - några iakttagelser. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1983).

Frankel, David: The Deuteronomic Portrayal of Balaam. See Vetus Testamentum (1996).

Frankovic, Joseph. See Poirier, John C.-Frankovic, Joseph: Celibacy and Charism in 1 Cor 7:5-7.

Franzmann, Majella - Klinger, Michael: The Call Stories of John 1 and 21. See Saint Vladimir's Theological Quarterly (1992).

Freed, Edwin D.: The Entry Into Jerusalem in the Gospel of John. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1964).

Freed, Edwin D.: Theological Prelude to the Prologue of John's Gospel. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1979).

Freed, Edwin D.: Who or What Was Before Abraham in John 8:58? See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1983).

Frid, Bo: A brief note on (plên) in Roman times. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1986).

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Fridrichsen, Anton: Missionstanken i Fjärde evangeliet. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1937).

Fridrichsen, Anton: Nyare litteratur till Uppenbarelseboken. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1938).

Fridrichsen, Anton: Realistisk bibelutläggning. Ett vetenskapligt krav och ett praktiskt önskemål. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1936).

Fridrichsen, Anton: Reviderade bibelöversättningar. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1938).

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Från Seinens strand (1884). See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Fuller, George C.: The Life of Jesus. After the Ascension (Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:9-11). See Westminster Theological Journal (1994).

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Geldenhuys, Norval: Commentary on the Gospel of Luke (1951,1977)

Gelston, A.: The Royal Priesthood. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1959).

Gerhardsson, Birger: De kristologiska utsagorna i sändebreven i Uppenbarelseboken (kap 2-3). See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1965).

Gerhardsson, Birger (red.): En bok om Nya testamentet (1982)

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Gerleman, Gillis: Bemerkungen zur Terminologie der "Blindheit" im Alten Testament. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1976/1977).

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Geyser, A.S.: Israel in the fourth gospel. See Neotestamentica (1986).

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Giblin, Charles H.: Confrontations in John 18:1-27. See Biblica (1984).

Giblin, Charles H.: Mary's Anointing for Jesus' Burial-Resurrection (John 12:1-8). See Biblica (1992).

Giblin, Charles H.: Suggestion, Negative Response and Positive Action in St. John's Portrayal of Jesus (John 2:1-11; 4:46-54; 7:2-14; 11:1-44). See New Testament Studies (1980).

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Giesbrecht, Herbert: The Evangelist John's Conception of the Church as delineated in his Gospel. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1986).

Glasswell, M.: The Relationship Between John and Mark. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1983).

Gleason, Randall C.: The Old Testament Background of Rest in Hebrews 3:7-4:11. See Bibliotheca Sacra (2000).

Goppelt, Leonhard: Apostolic and Post-Apostolic Times (1970)

Gordon, Alasdair B.: The Fate of Judas According to Acts 1:18. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1971).

Gorringe, Tom: Numbers 13-14. See Expository Times (2006).

Goulder, Michael D.: From Ministry to Passion in John and Luke. See New Testament Studies (1983).

Goulder, Michael D.: Nicodemus. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1991).

Goulder, Michael D.: Translation and Exegesis. Some reflections on the Swedish NT Translations of 1917 and 1981. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1992).

Grace Journal (1963,1968)

Grace Theological Journal (1981-1982,1985,1987)

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Grant, Robert McQueen: The origin of the Fourth Gospel. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1950).

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Greek Orthodox Theological Review (1985)

Grefbäck, G.: Fiskens symbol och det kristna dopet. En studie i fornkristen symbolik. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1950).

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Grigsby, Bruce: Washing in the Pool of Siloam - A Thematic Anticipation of the Johannine Cross. See Novum Testamentum (1985).

Groenewald, E.P.: The Christological meaning of John 20:31. See Neotestamentica (1968).

Grossouw, William K.: A Note on John XIII 1-3. See Novum Testamentum (1966).

Grudem, Wayne: Christ Preaching Through Noah: 1 Peter 3:19-20 In the Light of Dominant Themes in Jewish Literature. See Trinity Journal (1986).

Grönbaek, J.K.: Zur Frage der Eschatologie in der Verkündigung der Gerichtspropheten. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1959).

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Gustavsson, Per-Lindqvist, Karl: Röster i Småland (1996)

Guthrie, Donald: Galatians (1973,1981)

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Guthrie, Donald: The Lamb in the Structure of the Book of Revelation. See Vox Evangelica (1981).

Gyllenberg, R.: Intåget i Jerusalem och Johannesevangeliets uppbyggnad. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1976/1977).

Gyllenberg, R.: Johannesevangeliet som historisk källa. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1978).

Gärtner, B.E. (Bertil): Den historiske Jesus och trons Kristus. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1972/1973).

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Gärtner, B.E. (Bertil): Vilken karaktär hade Jesu sista måltid? See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1957/1958).

Gärtner, B.E. (Bertil): Work in the New Testament. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1961).

Göteborgs Handelstidning 1861,1871-72,1874. See Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur.

Hafemann, Scott: Eschatology and Ethics: The Future of Israel and the Nations in Romans 15:1-13. See Tyndale Bulletin (2000).

Halldorf, Peter: Andens folk (2006)

Hallowell, John: "In my day we all had faces". See Life Atlantic, The Magazine, June 10, 1968.

Halpern, Baruch: Why Manasseh is blamed for the Babylonian Exile: the Evolution of a Biblical Tradition. See Vetus Testamentum (1998).

Hansen, Steven E.: Forgiving and Retaining Sin: A Study of the Text and Context of John 20:23. See Horizons in Biblical Theology (1997).

Hanson, Anthony T.: The Old Testament Background to the Raizing of Lazarus. See Texte und Untersuchungen (1973).

Hanson, Anthony T.: The Use of the Old Testament in the Pastoral Epistles. See Irish Biblical Studies (1981).

Harrison, Everett F.: Historical Problems in the Fourth Gospel. See Bibliotheca Sacra (1959).

Hart, Ian: Genesis 1:1 - 2:3 as a Prologue to the Book of Genesis. See Tyndale Bulletin (1995).

Hartin, P.J.: Remain in me (John 15:5). The foundation of the ethical and its consequenses in the farewell discourses. See Neotestamentica (1991).

Hartin, P.J.: The role of Peter in the Fourth Gospel. See Neotestamentica (1990).

Hartman, Lars: Att tolka eskatologiska texter. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1995).

Hartman, Lars: "He spoke of the Temple of His body" (Jn 2:13-22). See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1989).

Hartman, Lars: Liknelser om det förlorade. See Hartman: Ur Nya testamentet.

Hartman, Lars: Nytestamentlig isagogik, See Gerhardsson, Birger (red.): En bok om Nya testamentet.

Hartman, Lars: Obligatory Baptism - but Why? On Baptism in the Didache and in the Shepherd of Hermas. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1994).

Hartman, Lars: Psychae - "själ". Att läsa Septuaginta som grekisk text. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (2005).

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Harviainen, T.: Finsk nyöversättning av Bibeln. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1983).

Hason, K.C.: Blood and Purity in Leviticus and Revelation. See Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture (1993).

Hatina, Thomas R.: John 20:22 in Its Eschatological Context: Promise or Fulfillment? See Biblica (1993).

Hawkin, David J.: Orthodoxy and Heresy in John 10:1-21 and 15:1-17. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1975).

Hawkin, David J.: The Johannine Concept of Truth and Its Implications for a Technological Society. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1987).

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Heide, Gale Z.: What is New about the New Heaven and the New Earth? A Theology of Creation from Revelation 21 and 2 Peter 3. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1997).

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Heythrop Journal (1973)

Hiebert, D. Edmond: Counsel for Christ's Under-Shepherds: An Exposition of 1 Peter 1:4. See Bibliotheca Sacra (1982).

Hill, Charles E.: The Identity of John's Nathaniel. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1997).

Hill, David: My Kingdom is not of this world (Jn 18:36). See Irish Biblical Studies (1987).

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Hillyer, Norman: First Peter and the Feast of Tabernacles. See Tyndale Bulletin (1970).

Hillyer, Norman: Rock-stone! Imagery in 1 Peter. See Tyndale Bulletin (1971).

Hillyer, Norman: "The Lamb" in the Apocalypse. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1967).

Hindley, J.C.: Witness in the Fourth Gospel. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1965).

Hippolytus. See The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol V.

Hognesius, Kjell: The Capacity of the Molten Sea in 2 Chronicles IV:5: A Suggestion. See Vetus Testamentum (1994).

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Hollenback, George M.: The Dimensions och Capacity of the "Molten Sea" in 1 Kgs 7:23,26." See Biblica (2000).

Holmberg, Bengt: Herren och molnet i Gamla testamentet. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1983).

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Holmberg, Bengt: Reciprocitetsnyanser i "allêlôn". See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1986).

Holte, Ragnar: Guds avbild - Kvinna och man i kristen belysning (1990)

Homcy, Stephen L.: "To Him Who Overcomes": A Fresh Look at What "Victory" Means for the Believer According to the Book of Revelation. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1995).

Homcy, Stephen L.: "You are gods." Spirituality and a difficult text. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1989).

Horizons in Biblical Theology (1994,1997)

Horsley, G.H.R.: Synagogor och semantik. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1999).

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House, Paul R.: The God Who Gives Rest in the Land: Joshua. See Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (1998).

Howard, J.K.: Passover and Eucharist in the Fourth Gospel. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1967).

Howard, Tracy L.: Suffering in James 1:2-12. See Criswell Theological Review (1986).

Howard Jr., David M.: "Three days" in Joshua 1-3. Resolving a Chronological Conundrum. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1998).

Hughes, James A.: Revelation 20:4-6 and the Question of the Millennium. See Westminster Theological Journal (1973).

Hui, Timothy K.: The Purpose of Israel's Annual Feasts. See Bibliotheca Sacra (1990).

Hultgren, Arland J.: The Johannine Footwashing (13:1-11) as Symbol of Eschatological Hospitality. See New Testament Studies (1982).

Hultgren, Stephen: The Origin of Paul's Doctrine of the Two Adams i 1 Corinthians 15-45-49. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (2003).

Hunn, Debbie: The Believers Jesus Doubted: John 2:23-25. See Trinity Journal (2004).

Hunter, W. Bingham: Contextual and genre implications for the historicity of John 11:41b-42. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1985).

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Hyldahl, N.: Nya testamentet 1981, eksegetisk betragtet. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1982).

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Ito, Hisayasu: Johannine irony demonstrated in John 9: Part 1-2. See Neotestamentica (2000).

Jackson, Howard M.: Ancient Self-Referential Conventions and Their Implications for the Authorship and Integrity of the Gospel of John. See Journal of Theological Studies (1999).

Janzon, P. See Beskow, Per.

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Jewett, Paul L.: Man as Male and Female (1975)

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Johnson, E.D.: The Johannine Version of the Feeding of the Five Thousand - An Independent Tradition? See New Testament Studies (1962).

Jones, Bruce W.: More About the Apocalypse as Apocalypse. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1968).

Jonge, Marinus de: Jewish Eschatology, Early Christian Christology and the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (1991)

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Jonge, Marinus de: The Expectation of the Future in the Psalms of Solomon (1965). See Jonge, Marinus de: Jewish Eschatology, Early Christian Christology and the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs.

Joubert, H.L.N.: The Holy One of God (John 6:69). See Neotestamentica (1968).

Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1981,1983-1987,1989-1991,1993,1995-1999,2002-2003,2005)

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Julqvällen 1883. See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Jungmann, Joseph A.: The Mass of the Roman Rite - Its origins and development I (1949,1992)

Justin Martyr. See The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol I.

Jönköpings-Posten (1908,1927)

Kaiser Jr, Walter C.: The old promise and the New Covenant: Jeremiah 31:31-34. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1972).

Kallas, James: The Apocalypse: An Apocalyptic Book. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1967).

Kanagaraj, Jey J.: Jesus, the King, Merkabah Mysticism and the Gospel of John. See Tyndale Bulletin (1996).

Kanagaraj, Jey J.: Johannine Jesus, The Supreme Example of Leadership: An Inquiry into John 13:1-20. See Themelios (2004).

Kanagaraj, Jey J.: The Implied Ethics of the Fourth Gospel: A Reinterpretation of the Decalogue. See Tyndale Bulletin (2001).

Keener, Craig S.: Is Subordination Within the Trinity Really Heresy? A Study of John 5:18 in Context. See Trinity Journal (1999).

Kendall, Daniel. See O'Collins, Gerald - Kendall, Daniel: Did Joseph of Arimathea Exist?.

Kepple, Robert J.: Hope of Israel, the resurrection of the dead, and Jesus: a study of their relationship in Acts. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1977).

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Kieffer, René: Kristi uppståndelse och den allmänna uppståndelsen. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1981).

Kiley, Mark: The Geography of Famine: John 6:22-25. See Révue Biblique (1995).

Kilgallen, J.J.: The Strivings of the Flesh (Galatians 5,17). See Biblica (1999).

Kirchhevel, Gordon D.: The Children of God and the Glory That John 1:14 saw. See Bulletin for Biblical Research (1996).

Kline, Meredith G.: First Resurrection. See Westminster Theological Journal (1975).

Klinger, Michael. See Franzmann, Majella - Klinger, Michael.

Koester, Craig R.: Messianic Exegesis and the Call of Nathanael. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1990).

Kohlenberger III-Goodrick-Swanson: The Exhaustive Concordance to the Greek New Testament (1995)

Kohlenberger III-Goodrick-Swanson: The Greek-English Concordance to the New Testament (1997)

Kolmodin, Ad.: Johannesevangeliet - En verklighetsskildring (1926)

Kootz, Wolfgang: Rothenburg on the Tauber (2000)

Korner, R.J.: "And I saw . . ." An Apocalyptic Literary Convention for Structural Identification in the Apocalypse. See (the journal) Novum Testamentum (2000).

Kowalski, Beate: Martyrdom and Resurrection in the Revelation to John. See Andrews University Seminary Studies (1972).

Kroon, Marijn de: The honour of God and human salvation; Calvin's theology according to his Institutes (2001)

Kruger, M.A.: "Tina Karpon", "Some fruit" in Romans 1:13. See Westminster Theological Journal (1987).

Kusar, Robert: The Background of John's Gospel: Critique of Historical Methods. See Canadian Journal of Theology (1970).

Kümmel, Werner Georg: Futurisk och presentisk eskatologi i den äldsta urkristendomen. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1959).

Kümmel, Werner Georg: The theology of the New Testament (1972,1974,1983)

Köstenberger, Andreas J.: Ascertaining Women's God-Ordained Roles: An Interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:15. See Bulletin for Biblical Research (1997).

Köstenberger, Andreas J.: Early doubts about the Fourth Gospel's Johannine authoship in the modern history of interpretation. See European Journal of Theology (1996).

Köstenberger, Andreas J.: Jesus as Rabbi in the Fourth Gospel. See Bulletin for Biblical Research (1998).

Köstenberger, Andreas J.: Jesus the Good Shepherd Who Will Also Bring Other Sheep (John 10:16). The Old Testament background of a Familiar Metaphor. See Bulletin for Biblical Research (2002).

Köstenberger, Andreas J.: The Destruction of the Second Temple and the Composition of the Fourth Gospel. See Trinity Journal (2005).

Köstenberger, Andreas J.: The Seventh Johannine Sign: A Study in John's Christology. See Bulletin for Biblical Research (1995).

Laansma, John: "I Will Give You Rest." The Background and Significance of the Rest Motif in the New Testament. See Tyndale Bulletin (1995).

Lacomara, Aelred: Deteronomy and the Farewell Discourse (Jn 13:31-16:33). See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1974).

Ladd, George E.: The Revelation and Jewish Apocalyptic. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1957).

Lagercrantz, Olof: August Strindberg (1979)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Anna Svärd (1928,1978)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Antikrists mirakler (1897). See Lagerlöf, Selma: Antikrists mirakler - En herrgårdssägen.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Antikrists mirakler - En herrgårdssägen (1989)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Bannlyst (1918). See Lagerlöf, Selma: Körkarlen. Bannlyst.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Betlehems barn. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Kristuslegender.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Brev 1 - 1871-1902 (1967)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Brev 2 - 1903-1940 (1969)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Charlotte Löwensköld. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Löwensköldska ringen - Charlotte Löwensköld.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Dagbok för Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf (1932,1997)

Lagerlöf, Selma: De vise männens brunn. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Kristuslegender.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Den heliga natten. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Kristuslegender.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Den heliga Veronikas svetteduk. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Kristuslegender.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Dimman. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Troll och människor II.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Du lär mig att bli fri - Selma Lagerlöf skriver till Sophie Elkan (1894 - 1921;1992)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Drottningar i Kungahälla (1899). See Lagerlöf, Selma: Drottningar i Kungahälla, Herr Arnes penningar, En herrgårdssägen, Legender.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Drottningar i Kungahälla, Herr Arnes penningar, En herrgårdssägen, Legender (1954,1957)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Dödskallen. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Troll och människor II.

Lagerlöf, Selma: En saga om en saga - Liljecronas hem (1908,1947)

Lagerlöf, Selma: En saga om en saga och andra sagor. See Lagerlöf, Selma: En saga om en saga - Liljecronas hem.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Ett barns memoarer (1930,1996)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Flykten till Egypten. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Kristuslegender.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Gamla Agneta. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Legender.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Gösta Berlings saga (1891,1956,1958)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Herr Arnes penningar (1904). See Lagerlöf, Selma: Drottningar i Kungahälla, Herr Arnes penningar, En herrgårdssägen, Legender.

Lagerlöf, Selma: I Nasaret. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Kristuslegender.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Jerusalem I. I Dalarne. "Jerusalem I" (1901,1959)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Jerusalem I-II "Jerusalem II" (1902,1996)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Kejsarens syn. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Kristuslegender.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Kejsarn av Portugallien (1914) (in the book Kristuslegender - Kejsarn av Portugallien 1962)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Kristuslegender (1904) (in the book Kristuslegender - Kejsarn av Portugallien 1962)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Körkarlen (1912). See Lagerlöf, Selma: Vägen mellan himmel och jord - Berättelser om det övernaturliga.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Körkarlen. Bannlyst. (1949)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Legenden om fågelboet. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Legender.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Legender (1904) (in the book Legender – Drottningen i Kungahälla 1911)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Liljecronas hem. See Lagerlöf, Selma: En saga om en saga - Liljecronas hem.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Ljuslågan. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Kristuslegender.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Löwensköldska ringen. See Löwensköldska ringen – Charlotte Löwensköld.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Löwensköldska ringen – Charlotte Löwensköld (1925,2004)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Mårbacka (1922,2007)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige (1906-07,2005)

Lagerlöf, Selma: Osynliga länkar (1894). See Lagerlöf, Selma: Vägen mellan himmel och jord - Berättelser om det övernaturliga.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Troll och människor I 1915. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Vägen mellan himmel och jord - Berättelser om det övernaturliga.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Troll och människor II 1921. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Vägen mellan himmel och jord - Berättelser om det övernaturliga.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Tösen från Stormyrtorpet. See Lagerlöf, Selma: En saga om en saga och andra sagor.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Vattnet i kyrkviken. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Troll och människor I.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Vår Herre och Sankte Per. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Kristuslegender.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Vägen mellan himmel och jord. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Troll och människor I.

Lagerlöf, Selma: Vägen mellan himmel och jord - Berättelser om det övernaturliga (1992)

Lambrecht, Jan: Final Judgments and Ultimate Blessings: The Climatic Visions of Revelation 20:11-21:8. See Biblica (2000).

Lambrecht, Jan: The Opening of the Seals (Rev 6:1-8:6). See Biblica (1998).

Lamp, Jeffrey S.: Wisdom in Col 1:15-20: Contribution And Significance. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1998).

Larsson, Edvin: Jesu liv och urkristendomens historia. See Gerhardsson, Birger (red.): En bok om Nya testamentet.

Larsson, Göran: Tid för Gud, Judiska och kristna perspektiv på de judiska högtiderna (2006)

Lategan, B.C.: The truth that sets man free - John 8:31-36. See Neotestamentica (1968).

Lawton, T.A.D.: A Buried Treasure in the Gospels. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1967) (The identity of the "Beloved Disciple").

Le Déaut, R.: sJa/vu/aeo/t och den kristna pingsten. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1979).

Lea, Thomas D.: The Reliability of History in John's Gospel. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1995).

Lea, Thomas D.: Who Killed the Lord? A Defense Against the Charge of Anti-Semitism in John's Gospel. See Criswell Theological Review (1994).

Leaney, A.R.C.: 1 Peter and the Passover: An Interpretation. See New Testament Studies (1963-1964).

Leaney, A.R.C.: The Doctrine of Man in 1 Corinthians. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1962).

Lee, Dorothy A.: Partnership in Easter Faith: The Role of Mary Magdalene and Thomas in John 20. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1995).

Lee, E. Kenneth: The Drama of the Fourth Gospel. See Expository Times (1953).

Lee, Michelle V.: A Call to Martyrdom: Function as Method and Message in Revelation. See (the journal) Novum Testamentum (1998).

Lee Feinberg, Charles: The Image of God. See Bibliotheca Sacra (1972).

Leivestad, R.: Var det noe alternativ till Messias? See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1972/1973).

Lemmer, R.: A possible understanding by the implied reader, of some of the coming-going-being sent pronouncements, in the Johannine farewell discourses. See Neotestamentica (1991).

Lewis, W. Arthur: Ekonomic Survey 1919-1939 (1949,1960)

Lidman, Sven: Betlehemsstjärnan och båglampan (1926)

Lidman, Sven: Carl Silfverstååhls upplevelser (1912)

Lidman, Sven: Fjäril och vilddjur (1947)

Lidman, Sven: Förgängelsens trälar och frihetens söner (1928)

Lidman, Sven: Guds eviga nu (1936)

Lidman, Sven: Huset med de gamla fröknarna (1918,1948)

Lidman, Sven: I gott sällskap I (Jönköpings-Posten 1927-06-24)

Lidman, Sven: Ingen lurar Gud (1945)

Lidman, Sven: Lågan och lindansaren (1952)

Lidman, Sven: På resan genom livet (1934)

Lidman, Sven: Resan till domen (1949)

Lidman, Sven: Stensborg (1910,1924)

Lidman, Sven: Såsom genom eld (1920,1944)

Lidman, Sven: Thure-Gabriel Silfverstååhl (1910)

Lieu, Judith: Authority to Become Children of God: A Study of 1 John. See (The Journal) Novum Testamentum (1981).

Lieu, Judith: Temple and Synagogue in John. See New Testament Studies (1999).

Life Application Study Bible, Gospel of John (1996, Tyndale House Publishers)

Life Atlantic, The Magazine (June 1968)

Lilley, J.P.: The Altar in Joshua and Judges. See Tyndale Bulletin (1960).

Lilley, J.P.: The Judgement of God: The Problem of the Canaanites. See Themelios (1997).

Lillie, J.R.: Obadiah - a Celebration of God's Kingdom. See Currents in Theology and Missions (1979).

Lincoln, Andrew T.: The Beloved Disciple as Eyewitness and the Fourth Gospel as Witness. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (2002).

Lindars, Barnabas: Discourse and Tradition: The Use of Sayings of Jesus in the Discourses of the Fourth Gospel. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1981).

Lindars, Barnabas: John and the Synoptic Gospels: A Test Case. See New Testament Studies (1981).

Lindars, Barnabas: Rebuking the Spirit: A New Analysis of the Lazarus Story of John 11. See New Testament Studies (1992).

Lindars, Barnabas: The Composition of John XX. See New Testament Studies (1961).

Lindars, Barnabas: Word and Sacraments in the Fourth Gospel. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1976).

Lindberger, Örjan: Rydberg och vi. See Mäster Gudmunds Gilles Årsbok 1945.

Lindeskog, G.: Förnyelse, nyskapelse, nyfödelse. Se Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1943).

Lindeskog, G.: Theoskristologien i Nya testamentet. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1972/1973).

Lindgren, Astrid: Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn (1946,2001)

Lindgren, Astrid: Bara roligt i Bullerbyn (1952,2001)

Lindgren, Astrid: Barnen på Bråkmakargatan (1956,1967)

Lindgren, Astrid: Bröderna Lejonhjärta (1973)

Lindgren, Astrid: Bullerbyn (1970)

Lindgren, Astrid: Kajsa Kavat (1950). See Gustavsson, Per-Lindqvist, Karl: Röster i Småland.

Lindgren, Astrid: Kalle Blomkvist och Rasmus (1953,1991)

Lindgren, Astrid: Karlsson på taket flyger igen (1962,1994)

Lindgren, Astrid: Karlsson på taket smyger igen (1968,1997)

Lindgren, Astrid: Krigsdagböcker 1939-1945 (1939-1945,2015)

Lindgren, Astrid: Lillebror och Karlsson på taket (1955,1974)

Lindgren, Astrid: Madicken (1960,1992)

Lindgren, Astrid: Madicken och Junibackens Pims (1976,1998)

Lindgren, Astrid: Mio, min Mio (1954,1960,2002)

Lindgren, Astrid: Mästerdetektiven Blomkvist (1946,2002)

Lindgren, Astrid: Mästerdetektiven Blomkvist lever farligt (1951,1984)

Lindgren, Astrid: Pippi Långstrump (1945,1992)

Lindgren, Astrid: Pippi Långstrump går ombord (1946,1992)

Lindgren, Astrid: Pippi Långstrump i Söderhavet (1948,1992)

Lindgren, Astrid: Rasmus, Pontus och Toker (1957,1984)

Lindgren, Astrid: Rasmus på luffen (1956,1992)

Lindgren, Astrid: Ronja Rövardotter (1981,1998)

Lindgren, Astrid: Skrållan och sjörövarna (1967)

Lindgren, Astrid: Skulle kunne flyge ... See Fyra syskon berättar.

Lindgren, Astrid: Småländsk tjurfäktare. See Lindgren, Astrid: Kajsa Kavat.

Lindgren, Astrid: Sunnanäng. See Barndom i Småland.

Lindgren, Astrid: Vi på Saltkråkan (1964,2003)

Lindgren, Astrid: Än lever Emil i Lönneberga (1970,2003)

Lindgren, Astrid. See also Adrian, Lars Micael: Jag är döv, halvblind och helgalen - Personligt med Astrid Lindgren.

Lindman, Arnold: Hedvig Christina Rydberg. See Mäster Gudmunds Gilles Årsbok 1945.

Linton, O.: "Gammalt" och "nytt". En studie i nytestamentlig terminologi. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1940).

Linton, O.: Johannesevangeliet och eskatologien. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1957/1958).

Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture (1993)

Livingstone, Elizabeth A., ed. Studia Biblica 1978, Vol 2 (1980)

Livingstone, Elizabeth A., ed.: Studia Evangelica, Vol. 7 (1982)

Ljung, I.: Om "Isebel" i Samaria, Tyatira och frankerriket. Se Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1989).

Ljung, I.: Tolkning av GT's utsagor om kvinnor. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1984).

Ljungvik, H.: Randanmärkningar till 1963 års bibelkommittés översättningsförslag. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1969).

Ljungvik, H.: Översättningsförslag och språkliga förklaringar till skilda ställen i Nya Testamentet I-III. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1965,1967,1968).

Lohse, E.: Synagogue of Satan and Church of God. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1993).

Lombard, H.A.: The Adam-Christ "Typology" in Romans 5:12-21. See Neotestamentica (1981).

Lombard, H.A - Oliver, W.H.: A working supper in Jerusalem: John 13:1-38 introduces Jesus' "farewell discourses". See Neotestamentica (1991).

Longman III, Tremper: The Divine Warrior: The New Testament Use of an Old Testament Motif. See Westminster Theological Journal (1982).

Louvain Studies (1995)

Louw, J.P.: On Johannine style. See Neotestamentica (1986).

Lovelady, Edgar J.: The Logos Concept. See Grace Journal (1963).

Lowe, Chuck: "There is No Condemnation" (Romans 8:1): But Why Not? See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1999).

Lull, D.J.: "The Law Was Our Pedagogue." A Study in Galatians 3:19-25. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1986).

Löfgren, O.: Fakta och dokument angående det apokryfiska Johannesevangeliet. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1942).

Lövestam, Evald: Apokalypsen 3:8b. Se Svensk Exegetisk årsbok (1965).

Lövestam, Evald: Axplock - Nytestamentliga studier (1987)

Lövås, Edin: Gud har ett ansikte (1993,1995)

Mackay, W.M.: Another look at the Nicolaitans. See The Evangelic Quarterly (1973).

MacKenzie, R.: The Messianism of Deuteronomy. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1957).

MacLeod, David J.: Heaven's Hallelujah Chorus: An Introduction to the Seven "Last Things". See Bibliotheca Sacra (1999).

MacRae, A.D.: Light in the Johannine Epistles. See Tyndale Bulletin (1962).

Maile, John F.: The Ascension in Luke-Acts. See Tyndale Bulletin (1986).

Marcus, Joel: Rivers of Living Water from Jesus' Belly (John 7:38). See Journal of Biblical Literature (1998).

Mare, W. Harold: Acts 7: Jewish or Samaritan in Character? See Westminster Theological Journal (1971).

Marshall, Howard: Luke - Historian and Theologian (1970,1979)

Marshall, Howard: The Significance of Pentecost. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1977).

Martin, James P.: History and Eschatology in the Lazarus Narrative, John 11:1-44. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1964).

Martin, Simon: Exegesis 12. True Light in the World, John 1:1-18. See Foundations (1991).

Martin, Troy W.: Assessing the Johannine Epithet "Mother of Jesus". See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1998).

Marx, Karl. See McLellan, David: Marx.

Massyngberde Ford, J.: Revelation (1975)

Mathewson, D.: A Note on the Foundation Stones in Revelation 21.14,19-20. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (2003).

Mathewson, D.: A re-examination of the millenium in Rev 20:1-6: consummation and recapitulation. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (2001).

Mathewson, D.: Assessing Old Testament Allusions in the Book of Revelation. See The Evangelical Quarterly (2003).

Mathewson, D.: New Exodus as a Background for "The Sea Was No More" in Revelation 21:1C. See Trinity Journal (2003).

Mathewson, D.: Revelation In Recent Genre Criticism: Some Implications For Interpretation. See Trinity Journal (1992).

Mathewson, D.: The Destiny of the Nations in Revelation 21:1-22:5: A reconsideration. See Tyndale Bulletin (2002).

Matthews, Kenneth A.: John, Jesus and the Essenes: Trouble at the Temple. See Criswell Theological Review (1988).

McCabe, Robert V.: The Meaning of "Born of Water and the Spirit" in John 3:5. See Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal (1999).

McCartney, Dan G.: The wisdom of James the just. See Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (2000).

McComiskey, Thomas Edward: Alteration of OT Imagery in the Book of Revelation: Its Hermeneutical and Theological Significance. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1993).

McCullough, J.C.: Anti-Semitism in Hebrews: A Formal Analysis and Theological Conclusions. See Trinity Journal (1992).

McGehee, Michael: A Less Theological Reading of John 20:17. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1986).

McGrath, James F.: A Rebellious Son? Hugo Odeberg and the Interpretation of John 5:18. See New Testament Studies (1998).

McGrath, James F.: Prologue as Legitimation: Christological Controversy and the Interpretation of John 1:1-18. See Irish Biblical Studies (1997).

McIntyre, Luther B.: Baptism and Forgiveness in Acts 2:38. See Bibliotheca Sacra (1996).

McKay, K.L.: "I am" in John's Gospel. See Expository Times (1996).

McKay, K.L.: Style and Significance in the Language of John 21:15-17. See Novum Testamentum (1985).

McKeating, Henry: Divine Forgiveness in the Psalms. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1965).

McLellan, David: Marx (1975,1986)

Mead, A.H.: The "Basilikos" in John 4:46-53. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1985).

Mealand, David L.: The Christology of the Fourth Gospel. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1978).

Meek, Theophile James: The Sabbath in the Old Testament: its origin and developement. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1914).

Meeks, Wayne A.: The first urban Christians – The Social World of the Apostle Paul (1983)

Melin, H.M.: Det Nya Testamentet i berigtigad öfwersättning och med nödiga förklaringar (1886)

Menken, Maarten J.J.: The Origins of the Old Testament Quotations in John 7:38. See Novum Testamentum (1996).

Menken, Maarten J.J.: The Provence and Meaning of the Old Testament Quotation in John 6:31. See Novum Testamentum (1988).

Menken, Maarten J.J.: The Quotation from Isa 40,3 in John 1,23. See Biblica (1985).

Menken, Maarten J.J.: The Textual Form and the Meaning of the Quotation from Zechariah 12:10 in John 19:37. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1993).

Menken, Maarten J.J.: The Translation of Psalm 41:10 in John 13:18. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1990).

Mercer, Calvin R.: Jesus the apostle: "sending" and the theology of John. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1992).

Mercure de France mars-april 1907. See Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter 1900-1912.

Merlmann, J.: John 8:48 in Some Patristic quotations. See Biblica (1963).

Merwe, Dirk G. van der: Towards a theological understanding of Johannine discipleship. See Neotestamentica (1997).

Mettinger, Tryggve: Härskarornas Gud. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1979).

Michaels, J. Ramsey: The Centurion's Confession and the Spear Thrust. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1967).

Miller, Edward Leroy: "In the Beginning": A Christological Transparency" See New Testament Studies (1999).

Miller, Edward Leroy: The Christology of John 8:25. See Theologische Zeitschrift (1980).

Miller, Edward Leroy: The Johannine Origins of the Johannine Logos. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1993).

Miller, Edward Leroy: The Logos was God. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1981).

Millet, Jean Françoise. See Rydberg, Viktor: Kvällringning - Millets "Angelus".

Mills, David W.: The Holy Spirit in 1 John. See Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal (1999).

Min Skattkammare VI (redaktin: Annie Löfstedt-Barbro Svinhufvud) (1970)

Minear, Paul S.: The Original Functions of John 21. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1983).

Mitternacht, Dieter: Knowledge-making in John 6: A Narrative-Psychological Reading. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (2007).

Mitternacht, Dieter-Runesson, Anders: Jesus och de första kristna, inledning till Nya testamentet (2006)

Moberg, Vilhelm: Du tror väl att jag är död - Vilhelm Mobergs brev 1950-1973 (2008)

Modern svensk-engelsk ordbok (red. Eva Gomer/Mona Morris-Nygren) (1970,1975)

Moe, Olaf: Logosbegreppet i Johannesevangeliets sammanhang. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1957/1958).

Moeller, Henry R.: Wisdom Motifs and John's Gospel. See Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society (1963).

Moloney, Francis J.: John 1:18. "In the Bosom of" or "Turned towards" the Father. See Australian Biblical Review (1983).

Moloney, Francis J.: The Fourth Gospel and the Jesus of History. See New Testament Studies (2000).

Moloney, Francis J.: The Structure and Message of John 13:1-38. See Australian Biblical Review (1986).

Moloney, Francis J.: The Structure and Message of John 15:1-16:3. See Australian Biblical Review (1987).

Moloney, Francis J.: Who is "the Reader" in/of the Fourth Gospel? See Australian Biblical Review (1992).

Moore, Hamilton: The Book of Revelation. See Irish Biblical Studies (1987).

Morgan, G. Campbell: The Acts of the Apostles (1924,1976)

Morgan, G. Campbell: The Gospel according to Luke (1931,1976)

Morgan-Wynne, J.E.: The Cross and the Revelation of Jesus as egô eimi in the Fourth Gospel (John 8:28). See Livingstone, Elizabeth A. ed. Studia Biblica 1978, Vol. 2 (1980).

Morris, Leon: The Atonement in John's Gospel. See Criswell Theological Review (1988).

Morris, Leon: The Gospel according to John. Revised Edition (1995)

Morris, Leon: The Gospel according to St. Luke (1974,1977)

Morton, A.Q.: Revelation. See Irish Biblical Studies (1997).

Motyer, Stephen: The Fourth Gospel - an Appeal to Jews. See Tyndale Bulletin (1994).

Moule, Charles F.D.: Some Reflections on the "Stone Testimonia" in relation to the Name Peter. See New Testament Studies (1955-1956).

Moule, Charles F.D.: The Meaning of "Life" in the Gospel and the Epistles of St. John: A Study in the Story of Lazarus, John 11:1-44. See Theology (1975).

Mounce, Robert H.: Pauline Eschatology and the Apocalypse. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1974).

Moyise, Steve: Authorial intention and the book of Revelation. See Andrews University Seminary (2001).

Munck, J.: Judekristendomen efter apostlarnas dagar. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1960).

Munro, Winsome: The Pharisee and the Samaritan in John. Polar or Parallell? See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1995).

Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome: Jesus and the Money Changers (Mark 11:15-17; John 2:13-17). See Révue Biblique (2000).

Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome: John the Baptist and Jesus. History and Hypothesis. See New Tetament Studies (1990).

Muse, Robert L.: Revelation 2-3: a critical analysis of seven prophetic messages. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1966).

Musvosi, Joel Nobel: The concept of vengeance in the book of Revelation in its Old Testament and Near Eastern context. See Andrews University Seminary Studies (1988).

Müller, Mogens: Have You Faith in the Son of Man? (John 9:35). See New Testament Studies (1991).

Mäster Gudmunds Gilles Årsbok 1945 (1945)

Nationalmuseum Stockholm (1984)

Near East School of Theology Theological Review (1993)

Neil, William: The Acts of the Apostles (1973,1981)

Neill, Stephen: The interpretation of the New Testament 1861-1961 (1962,1964,1966,1985)

Neirynck, Frans N.: John 21. See New Testament Studies (1990).

Neirynck, Frans N.: John and the Synoptics: The Empty Tomb Stories. See New Testament Studies (1984).

Neirynck, Frans N.: The "Other Disciple" in Jn 18:15-16. See Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (1975).

Neotestamentica (1968,1971-1973,1978-1981,1985-1988,1990-1997,1999-2000,2002)

Nestle-Aland: Novum Testamentum Graece (1987)

Neue Freie Presse 1905-06-20. See Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter 1900-1912.

Neuhaus, Sinikka: Reformationen. See Signums svenska kulturhistoria - Renässansen.

Neusner, Jacob: De rabbinska traditionerna om fariséerna före år 70. Prpblemet om muntlig tradition. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1971).

Neusner, Jacob: Genesis Rabbah, The Judaic commentary to the book of Genesis Vol I-III (1985)

Neusner, Jacob: Money Changers in the Temple: The Mishnah's Explanation. See New Testament Studies (1989).

Neusner, Jacob: Penningväxlarna i templet (Mark 11:15-19). Mishnas förklaring. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1988).

Nevins, Allan-Commager, Henry Steele: A Pocket History ot the United States (1942,1961)

New Testament Studies (1955/1956,1959,1961-1962,1962/1963,1963/1964,1973,1976/1977,1977-1984,1986,1988-1996,1998-2000)

Neyrey, Jerome H.: "I Have Said: You are Gods": Psalm 82:6 and John 10. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1989).

Neyrey, Jerome H.: Jesus the Judge: Forensic Process in John 8:21-59. See Biblica (1987).

Neyrey, Jerome H.: The Trials (Forensic) and Tribulations (Honor Challenges) of Jesus: John 7 in Social Science Perspectives. See Biblical Theological Bulletin (1996).

Neyrey, Jerome H.: What's Wrong With This Picture? John 4, Cultural Stereotypes of Women, and Public Private Space. See Biblical Theological Bulletin (1994).

Nicol, W.: The history of johannine research during the past century. See Neotestamentica (1972).

Noack, B.: Arbejdet med Bibeloversaettelsen i Danmark i nyere Tid. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1944).

Nohrborg, Anders: Den Fallna Menniskans Salighets-Ordning föreställd uti Betraktelser öfwer de årliga Sön- och Högtidsdagars Evangelier (1771,1926)

Nordens Jul 1908. See Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter 1900-1912.

Nortjé, S.J.: Lamb of God (John 1:29): an explanation from ancient Christian art. See Neotestamentica (1996).

Nortjé, S.J.: The role of women in the fourth gospel. See Neotestamentica (1986).

Novum Testamentum, (The Journal) (1966,1969,1977,1979,1981,1984-1985,1988,1990,1994,1996-1998,2000-2001,2003,2005)

Nyberg, H.S.: Korah's uppror (Num 16f.). See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1947).

O'Brien, P.T.: Prayer in Luke-Acts. See Tyndale Bulletin (1973).

O'Collins, Gerald - Kendall, Daniel: Did Joseph of Arimathea Exist? See Biblica (1994).

Odeberg, Hugo: The Fourth Gospel (1974)

O'Donovan, Oliver: The Political Thought of the Book of Revelation. See Tyndale Bulletin (1986).

O'Grady, John F.: Recent Developments in Johannine Studies. See Biblical Theological Bulletin (1982).

O'Grady, John F.: The Good Shepherd and the Vine and the Branches. See Biblical Theological Bulletin (1978).

Oliver, W.H. - Aarde, A.G. van: The community of faith as dwelling-place of the Father: "basileia tou theou" as "household of God" in the Johannine farewell discourse(s). See Neotestamentica (1991).

Oliver, W.H. See also Lombard, H.A - Oliver, W.H.: A working supper in Jerusalem: John 13:1-38 introduces Jesus' "farewell discourses".

Olofsson, S.: Septuaginta och äldre judisk tolkningstradition. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1993).

Olsson, Birger: Allenast med beläten och figurer. Om Luthers försök att förstå Johannes uppenbarelse. Se Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1985).

Olsson, Birger: Första Petrusbrevet (1982)

Olsson, Birger: Messiasbekännare i Johannesskrifterna. See Mitternacht-Runesson.

Olsson, Birger: Mission a la Lukas, Johannes och Petrus. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1986).

Olsson, Birger: Moderna bibelkommentarer och omoderna. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1981).

Olsson, Birger: Structure and Meaning in the Fourth Gospel (1974)

O'Neill, J.C.: Making Himself Equal With God (John 5:17-18). The Alleged Challenge to Jewish Monotheism in the Fourth Gospel. See Irish Biblical Studies (1995).

O'Neill, J.C.: Son of Man, Stone of Blood. See Novum Testamentum (2003).

O'Neill, J.C.: The Jews in the Fourth Gospel. See Irish Biblical Studies (1996)

Origen. See The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol IV, X.

Osborne, Basil: A Folded Napkin in an Empty Tomb: John 11:44 and 20:7 Again. See Heythrop Journal (1973).

Osborne, Grant R.: Theodicy in the Apocalypse. See Trinity Journal (1993).

Ottosson, M.: Tempel och palats i Jerusalem och Beth Shan. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1976/1977).

Ozanne, C.G.: The Language of the Apocalypse. See Tyndale Bulletin (1965).

Paffenroth, Kim: Famines in Luke-Acts. See Expository Times (2001).

Page, Sydney H.T.: Revelation 20 and Pauline eschatology. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1980).

Painter, John: John 9 and the Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1986).

Painter, John: The Farewell Discourses and the History of Johannine Christianity. See New Testament Studies (1981).

Painter, John: Theology, Eschatology and the Prologue of John. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1993).

Painter, John: Tradition and Interpretation in John 6. See New Testament Studies (1989).

"Palettskrap", Jultidningen (1892). See Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur.

Palmberg, Karl: Hvad varslar tiden och hvad stundar? See Dahlhielm, Aug-Bång, O.: Hvad varslar tiden och hvad stundar?

Palmberg, Karl: Karl Palmberg - Strödda minnen från hans levnad (1923)

Palmberg, Karl: Pilgrims tillfälliga betraktelser (1916,1921)

Palmberg, Karl: Ur livskällan. Första årgången. (1913)

Palmberg, Karl: Ur livskällan. Andra årgången. (1914)

Palmberg, Karl: Ur livskällan. Tredje årgången. (1918)

Palmqvist, Efraim: Karl Palmberg och hans samtida (1942)

Pamment, Margaret: The Fourth Gospel's Beloved Disciple. See Expository Times (1983).

Parker, Pierson: John the Son of Zebedee and the Fourth Gospel. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1962).

Parker, Pierson: Two Editions of John. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1956).

Parkin, V.: "On the Third Day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee" John 2:1. See Irish Biblical Studies (1981).

Parnham, F.S.: The Miracle at Cana. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1970).

Parsons, Mikeal C.: Appendices in the New Testament. See Themelios (1992).

Paschal, R. Wade: Sacramental Symbolism and Physical Imagery in the Gospel of John. See Tyndale Bulletin (1981).

Patric, Dale: The Rhetoric of Revelation. See Horizons in Biblical Theology (1994).

Patterson, Richard D.-Travers, Michael: Contours of the Exodus Motif in Jesus' Earthly Ministry. See Westminster Theological Journal (2004).

Paulien, Jon: Recent Developments in the Study of the Book of Revelation. See Andrews University Seminary Studies (1988).

Pendrick, Gerard: Monogenês. See New Testament Studies (1995).

Perry, John M.: The Evolution of the Johannine Eucharist. See New Testament Studies (1993).

Petri, S.: Tillbedjan i ande och sanning: En exegethistorisk skiss till Joh 1:19-24. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1946).

Piensoho, Niklas: En för alla - alla för en (2003)

Pleijel, Bengt: ... för att ni skall veta ... En vandring genom Johannes första brev (1983)

Plessis, I.J. du: Christ as the Only begotten. See Neotestamentica (1968).

Plumer, Eric: The Absence of Exorcisms in the Fourth Gospel. See Biblica (1997).

Poirier, John C.: "Day and Night" and the Punctuation of John 9:3. See New Testament Studies (1996).

Poirier, John C.-Frankovic, Joseph: Celibacy and Charism in 1 Cor 7:5-7. See Harvard Theological Review (1996).

Politiken (1885,1887). See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Politiken (1905,1912). See Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter 1900-1912.

Pollard, T.E.: The Raising of Lazarus (John XI). See Texte und Untersuchungen (1973).

Polythress, Vem: Counterfeiting In The Book Of Revelation As A Perspective On Non-Christian Culture. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1997).

Polythress, Vem: Genre and Hermeneutics in Rev 20:1-6. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1993).

Polythress, Vem: Johannine Authorship and the Use of Intersentence Conjunctions in the Book of Revelation. See Westminster Theological Journal (1985).

Polythress, Vem: The Use of Intersentence Conjunctions "De, Own, Kai" and Asyndeton in the Gospel of John. See (the Journal) Novum Testamentum (1984).

Pope, Maurice: The Ancient Greeks - How they lived and worked (1976)

Porter, Stanley E.: Why the Laodiceans Received Lukewarm Water (Revelation 3:15-18). See Tyndale Bulletin (1987).

Potter, R.D.: Topography and Archaeology in the Fourth Gospel. See Texte und Untersuchungen (1959).

Presbyterion (1995)

Pretorius, E.A.C.: (Diathêkê) in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Se Neotestamentica (1971).

Pretorius, E.A.C.: The opposition (pnevma) and (sarx) as persuavive summons (Galatians 5:13-6:10). See Neotestamentica (1992).

Prior, J. Bruce: Who is "Full of Grace and Truth" in W's Text of John 1:14? See Bulletin for Biblical Research (2001).

Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association (1995).

Provan, Ian: Foul Spirits, Fornication and Finance: Revelation 18 From an Old Testament Perspective. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1996).

Pryor, John W.: Jesus and Israel in the Fourth Gospel - John 1:11. See Novum Testamentum (1990).

Pryor, John W.: John 3:3,5: A Study in the Relation of John's Gospel to the Synoptic Tradition. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1991).

Pryor, John W.: John the Baptist and Jesus: Tradition and Text in John 3:25. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1997).

Pryor, John W.: The Johannine Son of Man and the descent-ascent motif. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1991).

Rad, Gerhard von: Genesis (1961,1987)

Rahlfs, Alfred: Septuaginta (1979)

Railton, Nicholas M.: Gog and Magog: The History of a Symbol. See The Evangelical Quarterly (2003).

Rainbow, Paul A.: Millenium as Metaphor in John's Apocalypse. See Westminster Theological Journal (1996).

Rand, J.A. du: A "basso ostinato" in the Structuring of the Apocalypse of John. See Neotestamentica (1993).

Rand, J.A. du: A socio-psychological view of the effect of the language (parole) of the Apocalypse of John. See Neotestamentica (1990).

Rand, J.A. du: A story and a community: Reading the first farewell discourse (John 13:31-14:31) from Narraiological and sociological perspectives. See Neotestamentica (1992).

Rand, J.A. du: ". . . Your kingdom come . . . on earth as it is in heaven . . ." The theological motif of the Apocalypse of John. See Neotestamentica (1997).

Rand, J.A. du: "Now the salvation of our God has come . . . " A narrative perspective on the hymns in Revelation 12-15. See Neotestamentica (1993).

Rand, J.A. du: Perspectives on Johannine discipleship according to the farewell discourses. See Neotestamentica (1991).

Rand, J.A. du: The characterization of Jesus as depicted in the narrative of the fourth gospel. See Neotestamentica (1985).

Rand, J.A. du: The imagery of the heavenly Jerusalem (Revelation 21:9-22:5). See Neotestamentica (1988).

Rand, J.A. du: The song of the Lamb because of the victory of the Lamb. See Neotestamentica (1995).

Rand, J.A. du: The transcendent God-view. Depicting structure in the theological message of the Apocalypse of John. See Neotestamentica (1994).

Rand, J.A. du. See also Rotz, Carol J.-Rand, J.A. du: The One who sits on the throne: towards a theory of theocentric characterisation according to the Apocalypse of John.

Rea, John: The Time of the Oppression and the Exodus. See Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society (1960).

Reformation and Revival (1997-1998)

Rehkopf; Friedrich: Septuagintavokabular (1989)

Rehnstrom, Frank B.: An Outline of Missionary Enterprise in India, Nepal & Pakistan (1956)

Reich, Ronny: 6 Stone Water Jars. See Jerusalem Perspective (1995).

Reid, W. Stanford: The Beginning of Wisdom. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1976).

Reiser, William E.: The case of the Tidy Tomb: The Place of the Napkins in John 11:44 and 20:7. See Heythrop Journal (1973).

Rensburg, J.J.J.V.: The Children Of God In Romans 8. See Neotestamentica (1981).

Review and Expositor (1987)

Revista Biblica (2006)

Révue Biblique (1995,1998-2000)

Revue Universelle Internationale (1885-86). See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Riesner, Rainer: Bethany Beyond the Jordan (John 1:28): Topography, Theology and History in the Fourth Gospel. See Tyndale Bulletin (1987).

Robbins, Vemon K.: The We-Passages in Acts and Ancient Sea Voyages. See Biblical Research (1975).

Roberts, Colin: John 20:30-31 and 21:24-25. See Journal of Theological Studies (1987).

Roberts, J.H.: Ekklesia in Acts - Linguistic and Theology: A Venture in Methodology. See Neotestamentica (1973).

Roberts, J.H.: Righteousness in Romans with Special Reference to Romans 3:19-21. See Neotestamentica (1981).

Roberts, J.H.: The Lamb of God. See Neotestamentica (1968).

Robinson, John AT: The Parable of the Shepherd. See Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (1955).

Roger, (Brother): No greater love. See Taizé - A pilgrimage of trust on Earth.

Rosenius, Carl Olof: Betraktelser (1873)

Rosenius, Carl Olof: Pietisten - Nytt och Gammalt från Nådens Rike, Första-Fjerde Årgången (1842-1845,1866-1868)

Rosner, Brian S.: The Concept of Idolatry. See Themelios (1999).

Ross, Arthur M.: A Critical Note on John 10:16: Fold or Flock?" See Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society (1961).

Rosscup, James E.: The "overcomer" of the Apocalypse. See Grace Theological Journal (1982).

Rossum, J. van: The "Johannine Pentecost": John 20:22 in Modern Exegesis and in Orthodox Theology. See Saint Vladimir's Theological Quarterly (1991).

Rostow, W.W.: British Economy of the Nineteenth Century (1948,1961)

Rotz, Carol J.-Rand, J.A. du: The One who sits on the throne: towards a theory of theocentric characterisation according to the Apocalypse of John. See Neotestamentica (1999).

Rowland, Christopher: John 1:51, Jewish Apocalyptic and Targumic Tradition. See New Testament Studies (1984).

Rowland, Christopher: The Vision of the Risen Christ in Rev I:13ff: The Dept of an Early Christology to an Aspect of Jewish Angelology. See Journal of Theological Studies (1980).

Royalty Jr, Robert M.: Etched or Sketched? Inscriptions and Erasures in the Messages to Sardis and Philadelphia (Rev 3:1-13). See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (2005).

Rudwick, M.J.S.: The Lukewarmness of Laodicea. See Tyndale Bulletin (1957).

Runesson, Anders: Kristustroende judar och avskiljandet av kristendom från judendom. See Mitternacht-Runesson.

Russell, E.A.: The Holy Spirit in the Fourth Gospel. Some Observations. See Irish Biblical Studies (1980).

Russell, Walt: The Holy Spirit's Ministry in the Fourth Gospel. See Grace Theological Journal (1987).

Ruthven, Jon: A note on Eliah's "fire from Yahweh". See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1969).

Rydberg, Viktor: Apostlarnes död. See Rydberg, Viktor: Romerska sägner om apostlarne Paulus och Petrus.

Rydberg, Viktor: Barndomsminnen (1894). See Rydberg, Viktor: Sägner, berättelser och skisser.

Rydberg, Viktor: Benoni Strand. See Rydberg, Viktor: Sägner, berättelser och skizzer.

Rydberg, Viktor: Bibelns lära om Kristus (1862,1918)

Rydberg, Viktor: Blyertsteckningar från Rom. See Rydberg, Viktor: Resebrev och reseminnen.

Rydberg, Viktor: Campagna di Roma. See Rydberg, Viktor: Blyertsteckningar från Rom.

Rydberg, Viktor: De vandrande djäknarne (1856,1896,1927)

Rydberg, Viktor: Den nya grottesången (1891). See Håkanson, Björn.

Rydberg, Viktor: Den siste atenaren I (1859,1945)

Rydberg, Viktor: Det forna Jönköping (1881). See Mäster Gudmunds Gilles Årsbok 1945.

Rydberg, Viktor: Dikter (1913)

Rydberg, Viktor: Dikter. Första samlingen. (1882). See Rydberg, Viktor: Dikter.

Rydberg, Viktor: Drottning Kristina och de båda guldmakarne. See Rydberg, Viktor: Resebrev och reseminnen.

Rydberg, Viktor: En underbar man - Leonardo da Vinci (1893). See Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur.

Rydberg, Viktor: Ett par ord om skaldekonsten (1890). See Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur.

Rydberg, Viktor: Fantasos och Sulamit (1895). See Lindberger, Örjan: Rydberg och vi. See also Rydberg, Viktor: Vandringsmän.

Rydberg, Viktor: Fornnordiskt. See Göteborgs Handelstidning 1872-12-30.

Rydberg, Viktor: Fribytaren på Östersjön I-II (1857,1945)

Rydberg, Viktor: Från barndomen (1890,1894). See Rydberg, Viktor: Barndomsminnen.

Rydberg, Viktor: Herre, vart går du? See Rydberg, Viktor: Romerska sägner om apostlarne Paulus och Petrus.

Rydberg, Viktor: I skymningen (1893). See Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur.

Rydberg, Viktor: Kantat vid jubelfestpromotionen i Uppsala den 6 september 1877. See Selander, Sten: Levande svensk dikt från fem sekler.

Rydberg, Viktor: Karnevalen - Bonaventuras kloster - Äventyr på Korso. See Rydberg, Viktor: Blyertsteckningar från Rom.

Rydberg, Viktor: Kolosseum - Vilka voro barbarerna? - Kolosseums ättlingar - Skådespelen - Rövarstycket Laureolus - Munken Telemak - Signor Rosas grävningar. See Rydberg, Viktor: Blyertsteckningar från Rom.

Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur (1946)

Rydberg, Viktor: Konstens ursprung och utvecklingsläran (1889). See Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur.

Rydberg, Viktor: Konstnären och konstverket (1895). See Jul 1895.

Rydberg, Viktor: Kvällringning - Millets "Angelus". See Svensk folkkalender 1895.

Rydberg, Viktor: Kyrkostatens Rom och Italiens. See Rydberg, Viktor: Blyertsteckningar från Rom.

Rydberg, Viktor: Lille Viggs äventyr på julafton (1871). See Min Skattkammare VI.

Rydberg, Viktor: Längtan (1895). See Håkanson, Björn. See also Rydberg, Viktor: Vandringsmän.

Rydberg, Viktor: Medeltidens magi (1864,1865,1917,1982)

Rydberg, Viktor: Minnestal över C.W.A. Strandberg - Inträdestal i Svenska Akademien 1878 (1878). See Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur.

Rydberg, Viktor: Modersmålets litteratur i skolorna. See Göteborgs Handelstidning 1861-01-26 - 1861-02-06.

Rydberg, Viktor: Mythen om underjorden. See Rydberg, Viktor: Undersökningar i germanisk mythologi - Första delen.

Rydberg, Viktor: Mythen om urtiden och vandringarna. See Rydberg, Viktor: Undersökningar i germanisk mythologi - Första delen.

Rydberg, Viktor: Målarens psykologi. See "Palettskrap", Jultidningen.

Rydberg, Viktor: Nero och hans älskarinna. See Rydberg, Viktor: Romerska sägner om apostlarne Paulus och Petrus.

Rydberg, Viktor: Nordisk språkodling. See Göteborgs Handelstidning 1871-12-28.

Rydberg, Viktor: Om förnamn i allmänhet och de nordiska i synnerhet. See Göteborgs Handelstidning 1874-09-14.

Rydberg, Viktor: Om nakenhet och klädselsätt (1895). See Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur.

Rydberg, Viktor: Oro i Olympen (the end of the sixties of the 19th century?). See Rydberg, Viktor: Skilda portföljer.

Rydberg, Viktor: Paulus i Neapel. See Rydberg, Viktor: Romerska sägner om apostlarne Paulus och Petrus.

Rydberg, Viktor: Paulus i Rom. See Rydberg, Viktor: Romerska sägner om apostlarne Paulus och Petrus.

Rydberg, Viktor: Pojkarne (1886,1894). See Rydberg, Viktor: Barndomsminnen.

Rydberg, Viktor: Positivspelarne (1851,1957)

Rydberg, Viktor: Priska och Pudentiana. See Rydberg, Viktor: Romerska sägner om apostlarne Paulus och Petrus.

Rydberg, Viktor: Prometeus och Ahasverus (1877). See Lindberger, Örjan: Rydberg och vi.

Rydberg, Viktor: Realisten Åbrandsson (1891,1894). See Rydberg, Viktor: Barndomsminnen.

Rydberg, Viktor: Resebrev och reseminnen (1874). See Rydberg, Viktor: Sägner, berättelser och skisser.

Rydberg, Viktor: Romerska sägner om apostlarne Paulus och Petrus (1874). See Rydberg, Viktor: Sägner, berättelser och skisser.

Rydberg, Viktor: Simon undergörarens himmelsfärd. See Rydberg, Viktor: Romerska sägner om apostlarne Paulus och Petrus.

Rydberg, Viktor: Singoalla (1857,1969)

Rydberg, Viktor: Skilda portföljer (1893). See Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur.

Rydberg, Viktor: Stenmänniskan (omkring 1860). See Rydberg, Viktor: Sägner, berättelser och skizzer.

Rydberg, Viktor: Strövtåg i Paris. See Rydberg, Viktor: Resebrev och reseminnen.

Rydberg, Viktor: Sägner, berättelser och skizzer (1897). See Rydberg, Viktor: Sägner, berättelser och skisser.

Rydberg, Viktor: Sägner, berättelser och skisser (1945)

Rydberg, Viktor: Tal i konstnärsklubben (probably some time during the years 1889-95). See Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur.

Rydberg, Viktor: Tal vid avslutningar i Djursholms samskola (1891-95). See Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur.

Rydberg, Viktor: Tal vid Callas grav (1880). See Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur.

Rydberg, Viktor: Tiggarne i Rom. See Rydberg, Viktor: Blyertsteckningar från Rom.

Rydberg, Viktor: Tomten (1881). See Håkanson, Björn.

Rydberg, Viktor: Träsnittet i psalmboken (1882). See Hörnström, Erik-Källquist, Eskil: Svensk antologi II.

Rydberg, Viktor: Undersökningar i germanisk mythologi - Första delen (1886)

Rydberg, Viktor: Ur en klosterbroders dagbok (mitten av 1860-talet). See Rydberg, Viktor: Sägner, berättelser och skizzer.

Rydberg, Viktor: Vandringsmän (1895)

Rydberg, Viktor: Vapensmeden (1891,1926)

Rydberg, Viktor. See also Lindman, Arnold: Hedvig Christina Rydberg.

Rydbergs brev I, Viktor: Viktor Rydbergs och S.A. Hedlunds brevväxling (1855-1895;1923)

Rydbergs brev II, Viktor: Brev från Viktor Rydberg 1855-1881 (1925)

Rydbergs brev III, Viktor: Brev från Viktor Rydberg 1882-1895 (1926)

Ryrie, C.C.: The Ryrie Study Bible. New American Standard. (1976,1978)

Ryrie, C.C.: The Significance of Pentecost. See Bibliotheca Sacra (1955).

Saayman, Christo: The textual strategy in John 3:12-14: Preliminary observations. See Neotestmentica (1995).

Sabbe, Maurits: The Denial of Peter in the Gospel of John. See Louvain Studies (1995).

Sabbe, Maurits: The Footwashing in Jn 13 and Its Relation to the Synoptic Gospels. See Ephemerides Theologicae Lavaniensis (1982).

Sabbe, Maurits: The Johannine Account of the Death of Jesus and Its Synoptic Parallells (Jn 19:16b-42). See Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (1994).

Sahlin, H.: Lasarus-gestalten. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1972/1973).

Sahlin, H.: Några randanmärkningar till NT -81. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1984).

Sahlin, H.: Till förståelsen av Joh 7:37-41. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1946).

Saint Vladimir's Theological Quarterly (1991-1992)

Sandberg, Gösta: Glädjens budskap. Utläggningar över predikotexterna för alla tre årgångarna. (1964)

Sandberg, Gösta: Om livets Ord tala vi. Utläggningar över aftonsångstexterna för alla tre årgångarna. (1974)

Sanders, J.N.: St. John on Patmos. See New Testament Studies (1962-1963).

Sanders, S.L.: Old Light on Moses' Shining Face. See Vetus Testamentum (2002).

Schaff, Philip: The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Vol X-XIV. St Chrysostom. (1889,1978)

Schnackenburg, Rudolf: The Gospel according to St John I-III (1965-90,1971-80,1975-88)

Schnackenburg, Rudolf: The Moral Teaching of the New Testament (1965,1975,1982)

Schneiders, Sandra M.: "Because of the Woman's Testimony . . . ". Reexamining the Issue of Authorship in the Fourth Gospel. See New Testament Studies (1998).

Schneiders, Sandra M.: The Foot Washing (John 13:1-20): An Experiment in Hermeneutics. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1981).

Schreiner, Thomas R.: Paul's View of the Law in Romans 10:4-5. See Westminster Theological Journal (1993).

Scottish Journal of Theology (1962,1964-1965,1967,1973,1975-1979,1982-1983,1991,1993)

Scouters, C.: The People of God - Its Unity and Glory. A Discussion of John 17:7-24 in the Light of Patristic Thought. See Greek Orthodox Theological Review (1985).

Scroggie, W. Graham: A Guide to the Gospels (1962)

Segovia, Fernando F.: John 13:1-20, The Footwashing in the Johannine Tradition. See Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (1982).

Seigman, E.F.: St. John's Use of the Synoptic Material. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1968).

Selander, Sten: Levande svensk dikt från fem sekler (1928,1947,1956)

Selfrid, M.A.: Jesus and the Law in Acts. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1987).

Selms, A. van: The Best Man and Bride - from Sumer to St. John with a New Interpretation of Judges 14-15. See Journal of Near Eastern Studies (1950).

Selvidge, M.J.: Powerful and powerless women in the Apocalypse. See Neotestamentica (1992).

Semeia (1980).

Shaw, Alan: The Breakfast by the Shore and the Mary Magdalene Encounter as Eucharistic Narratives. See Journal of Theological Studies (1974).

Shogren, Gary S.: Is the Kingdom of God About Eating and Drinking or Isn't It? See (The Journal) Novum Testamentum (2000).

Shogren, Gary S.: Presently entering the kingdom of Christ: the background and purpose of Col 1:12-14. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1988).

Silva, Moisés: Approaching the Fourth Gospel. See Criswell Theological Review (1988).

Sivan, H.Z.: The Rape of Cozbi (Numbers XXV). See Vetus Testamentum (2001).

Skaaheim, Anfin: Johannesevangeliet (1990)

Skovgaard-Petersen, C.: Hur Nya Testamentet blev till (1929)

Sloan, Robert: "Signs and Wonders": A Rhetorical Clue To The Pentecost Discourse. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1991).

Smidt, J.C. De: A perspective on John 15:1-8. See Neotestamentica (1991).

Smilie, Gene: The One Who is Speaking in Hebrews 12:25. See Tyndale Bulletin (2004).

Smilie, Gene: The Other "Logos" at the End of Heb. 4:13. See (the journal) Novum Testamentum (2005).

Smith, Charles R.: The Unfruitful Branches in John 15. See Grace Journal (1968).

Smith, Christopher R.: Revelation 1:19: an eschatologically escalated prophetic convention. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1990).

Smith, Christopher R.: The Tribes of Revelation 7 and the Literary Competence of John the Seer. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1995).

Smith, J.C. de: The Holy Spirit in the Book of Revelation - Nomenclature. See Neotestamentica (1994).

Smith, R.: Exodus Typology in the Fourth Gospel. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1962).

Smolar, L.-Aberbach M.: The Golden Calf Episode in Postbiblical Literature. See Hebrew Union College Annual (1968).

Social-Demokraten 1909-01-29; 1910-09-26; 1911-10-28; 1912-01-22. See Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter 1900-1912.

Soluppgången - Illustrerad Missionskalender 1957 published by Svenska Alliansmissionen.

Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (1998,2000,2004,2007)

Southwestern Journal of Theology (1988)

Spencer, Aida Besançon: Father-Ruler: The Meaning of the Metaphor "Father" for God in the Bible. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1996).

Spencer, F. Scott: Neglected Widows in Acts 6:1-7. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1994).

Spencer, Patrick E.: Narrative Echoes in John 21: Intertextual Interpretation and Intratextual Connection. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1999).

Spurgeon, C.H.: Flashes of thought (1880)

Staley, Jeffrey Lloyd: The Structure of John's Prologue: Its Implications for the Gospel's Narrative Structure. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1986).

Steinmann, Andrew E.: The Tripartite structure of the sixth seal, the sixth trumpet and the sixth bowl of John's Apocalypse (Rev 6:12-7:17, 9:13-11-14, 16:12-16). Se Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1992).

Stephenson, George M.: Typical America Letters. See Yearbook of the Swedish Historical Society of America 1921-22.

Stephenson, Mary: Letter from New Sweden, Iowa to relatives in Småland (1865). See Stephenson, George M.: Typical America Letters.

Stevens, R. Paul: Poems for People in Distress: The Apocalypse of John and the Contemplative Life. See Themelios (1993).

Stitzinger, Michael F.: Genesis 1-3 and Male/Female Role Relationship. See Grace Theological Journal (1981).

Stora engelsk-svenska ordboken (red. Göran Walter) (1980,1985)

Story, Cullen I.K.: The Mental Attitude of Jesus at Bethany: John 11:33,38. See New Testament Studies (1991).

Stott, John: The Epistles of John (1960,1983)

Strand, Kenneth A.: Book of Revelation: a review article on some recent literature. See Andrews University Seminary Studies (1973).

Strandberg, Carl Wilhelm August. See Rydberg, Viktor: Minnestal över C.W.A. Strandberg - Inträdestal i Svenska Akademien 1878.

Strelan, Rick: The Running Prophet (Acts 8:30). See (The Journal) Novum Testamentum (2001).

Strindberg, August: "Allt tjänar." (1911). See Svenska Morgonbladet 1911-10-18.

Strindberg, August: Andra Tider (1911). See Afton-Tidningen 1911-05-27.

Strindberg, August: Armageddon - Början till En Roman (1908). See Nordens Jul 1908.

Strindberg, August: August Strindberg om nationalgåvan (1912). See Dagens Nyheter 1912-03-18.

Strindberg, August: August Strindbergs brev I-XV,XVII-XX 1858-1907,1908-1912 (1948-1976,1991-1996)

Strindberg, August: August Strindbergs självbekännelse (1899). See Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter 1900-1912.

Strindberg, August: Betraktelser på Födelsedagen med anledning av Sjukdomen (1912). See Afton-Tidningen 1912-01-22.

Strindberg, August: Bevittna vi en upplösning eller en utveckling av den religiösa känslan? (1907). See Mercure de France mars-april 1907.

Strindberg, August: Björnstjerne Björnson. See Tiden (1884).

Strindberg, August: Brev från Stockholm (1886). See Revue Universelle Internationale (1886).

Strindberg, August: Carl Larsson - Ett svenskt porträtt med fransk bakgrund (1883,1884). See Svea. Folkkalender för 1884.

Strindberg, August: Chrysaetos. See Selander, Sten: Levande svensk dikt från fem sekler.

Strindberg, August: Den 22 Januari (1912). See Afton-Tidningen 1912-01-15.

Strindberg, August: Den litterära reaktionen i Sverige (1884-1891). See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Strindberg, August: Den världshistoriska trilogin (1903). See Den världshistoriska trilogin - Dramafragment.

Strindberg, August: Den världshistoriska trilogin - Dramafragment (1902-07,1996)

Strindberg, August: Det nya riket (1882). See Strindberg, August: Det nya riket. Sagor. Blomstermålningar och djurstycken.

Strindberg, August: Det nya riket. Sagor. Blomstermålningar och djurstycken. (1957)

Strindberg, August: Djurens och växternas förstånd. See Strindberg, August: Blomstermålningar och djurstycken.

Strindberg, August: Dramafragment (1902-1907). See Strindberg, August: Den världshistoriska trilogin - Dramafragment.

Strindberg, August: Dödsdansen (1901,1988)

Strindberg, August: En arbetets relief. Ö.K. (1911). See Social-demokraten 1911-10-28.

Strindberg, August: En blå bok ("En blå bok I") (1907)

Strindberg, August: En ny blå bok ("En blå bok II") (1908)

Strindberg, August: En blå bok Afdelning III ("En blå bok III") (1908)

Strindberg, August: En dåres försvarstal - Oslomanuskriptet (1893,1976)

Strindberg, August: Ensam. See Strindberg, August: Ensam Sagor.

Strindberg, August: Ensam Sagor ("Ensam" resp "Sagor") (1903,1994)

Strindberg, August: Ett drömspel (1901,1988)

Strindberg, August: Ett fritt Norge (1905). See Neue Freie Presse 1905-06-20.

Strindberg, August: Ett tack (1912). See Afton-Tidningen 1912-01-23.

Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter 1900-1912 (2004)

Strindberg, August: Fadren (1887). See Strindberg, August: Fadren - Fröken Julie - Fordringsägare.

Strindberg, August: Fadren - Fröken Julie - Fordringsägare (1984)

Strindberg, August: Familistären i Guise (1885,1890). See Politiken (1885).Strindberg, August: Folkstaten (1910). See Strindberg, August: Stridsskrifter.

Strindberg, August: Fordringsägare (1889). See Strindberg, August: Fadren - Fröken Julie - Fordringsägare.

Strindberg, August: Fosterlandsvännerna (1885,1891). See Politiken (1885).

Strindberg, August: Från det vaknande Italien (1884,1890). See Dagens Nyheter 1884.

Strindberg, August: Fröken Julie (1888). See Strindberg, August: Fadren - Fröken Julie - Fordringsägare.

Strindberg, August: Förord till Axel Wallengrens Skrifter (1901). See Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter.

Strindberg, August: Förord till Emil Kléens Valda Dikter. See Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter.

Strindberg, August: Genom öknar till arvland (1903). See Strindberg, August: Den världshistoriska trilogin.

Strindberg, August: Georg Brandes 70 år (1912). See Illustreret Tidende nr 19/1912.

Strindberg, August: Giftas I-II (1884-85,1986,2005)

Strindberg, August: Gustav Vasa (1899). See Strindberg, August: Mäster Olof och Gustav Vasa.

Strindberg, August: Hellas (1903). See Strindberg, August: Den världshistoriska trilogin.

Strindberg, August: Hemsöborna (1887,2004)

Strindberg, August: Herr-Ceremonielet för "Klubben" Receptioner (1881). See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Strindberg, August: Holländarn (1902). See Strindberg, August: Dramafragment.

Strindberg, August: Hövdingaminnen (1905,1963)

Strindberg, August: I havsbandet (1889-90,1972)

Strindberg, August: I midsommartider. See Strindberg, August: Sagor.

Strindberg, August: Icke för Skolan utan för Livet (1911). See Afton-Tidningen 1911-06-17.

Strindberg, August: Idolatri, Gynolatri (1903). See Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter 1900-1912.

Strindberg, August: Inferno (1897,1962)

Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan (1884). See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889 (2007,2009)

Strindberg, August: Lammet och vilddjuret (1903). See Strindberg, August: Den världshistoriska trilogin.

Strindberg, August: Litteratur-pris och Dygdepris (1911). See Afton-Tidningen 1911-05-30.

Strindberg, August: Marthas bekymmer (1884,1890). See Från Seinens strand.

Strindberg, August: Minnen från Danmark (1912). See Politiken 1912-01-22 och Afton-Tidningen 1912-01-25.

Strindberg, August: Mitt Venedig. See Svea. Folkkalender för 1889.

Strindberg, August: Måsarne (1885,1891). See Revue Universelle Internationale (1885).

Strindberg, August: Människans Rättigheter i ett civiliserat och kristet samhälle (1912). See Social-Demokraten 1912-01-22.

Strindberg, August: Mäster Olof och Gustav Vasa (1973)

Strindberg, August: Naturligt urval eller den fria kärleken (1885,1891). See Politiken (1885).

Strindberg, August: Naturvetenskapen (Jönköpings-Posten 1908-04-24)

Strindberg, August: Näktergalen i Wittenberg (1903,1988)

Strindberg, August: När träsvalan kom i getapeln. See Strindberg, August: Sagor.

Strindberg, August: Ockulta dagboken (1896-1908,1977)

Strindberg, August: Om realism - Några synpunkter (1882,1890). See Dagens Krönika, andra häftet.

Strindberg, August: Ordalek och småkonst (1905) och annan 1900-talslyrik (1901-1909) (1989)

Strindberg, August: Ordet i min makt - Läsebok för underklassen sammanställd av Jan Myrdal (1968,1992)

Strindberg, August: Pantomimer från gatan. See Julqvällen 1883.

Strindberg, August: Pintorpa-fruns julafton. See Strindberg, August: Sagor.

Strindberg, August: Påsk (1900,1957)

Strindberg, August: Påsk Kammarspel Stora landsvägen (1929)

Strindberg, August: Rom på en dag (1885,1891). See Blänkaren (1885).

Strindberg, August: Röda rummet (1879,1957)

Strindberg, August: Sagor. See Strindberg, August: Ensam Sagor.

Strindberg, August: Skärkarlsliv (1888,1980)

Strindberg, August: Societeten i Stockholm (1885-86). See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Strindberg, August: Spöksonaten (1907,1964,1988)

Strindberg, August: Staden (målning) (1903). See Gunnarsson, Torsten: August Strindberg.

Strindberg, August: Stadsresan. See Strindberg, August: Ur Stadsresan.

Strindberg, August: Stockholm klockan sju på morgonen (1905). See Dagens Nyheter 1905-12-24.

Strindberg, August: Stora landsvägen (1908). See Strindberg, August: Påsk Kammarspel Stora landsvägen.

Strindberg, August: Stridsskrifter (1910-12,1981)

Strindberg, August: Svarta fanor (1904,1978)

Strindberg, August: Svenska öden och äventyr 1 (1882-83,1925)

Strindberg, August: Svenska öden och äventyr 2 (1883-1904,1918)

Strindberg, August: Tal till svenska nationen (1910). See Strindberg, August: Stridsskrifter.

Strindberg, August: Till Damaskus (1991)

Strindberg, August: Till Damaskus I (1898). See Strindberg, August: Till Damaskus.

Strindberg, August: Till Damaskus II (1898). See Strindberg, August: Till Damaskus.

Strindberg, August: Till Damaskus III (1901). See Strindberg, August: Till Damaskus.

Strindberg, August: Till "De 600 arbetslöse" som sände mig lyckönskan på min 60-årsdag (1909). See Social-Demokraten 1909-01-29.

Strindberg, August: Tjänstekvinnans son - En själs utvecklingshistoria 1849-1867 (1886,2004)

Strindberg, August: Toten-Insel (Hades) (1907). See Strindberg, August: Dramafragment.

Strindberg, August: Tryckt och Otryckt I (1890). See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Strindberg, August: Upp till Solen. See Strindberg, August: Tryckt och Otryckt I.

Strindberg, August: Ur Stadsresan (1905). See Selander, Sten: Levande svensk dikt från fem sekler.

Strindberg, August: Utveckling (1887,1890). See Politiken (1887).

Strindberg, August: Voltaire. See Strindberg, August: Tryckt och Otryckt I.

Strindberg, August: Världshistoriens Mystik (1903). See Svenska Dagbladet 1903-02-20 - 1903-05-30.

Strindberg, August. See also Lagercrantz, Olof: August Strindberg (1979)

Studia Theologica (1988)

Studiebibeln I-V (1978-83)

Suggit, John: Jesus the gardener: the atonement in the Fourth Gospel as re-creation. See Neotestamentica (1999).

Suggit, J.N. (John): John 13-17 viewed through liturgical spectacles. See Neotestamentica 26.1 (1992): 47-58.

Suggit, J.N. (John): John 13:1-30: The mystery of the incarnation and of the eucharist. See Neotestamentica (1985).

Suggit, John (J.N.): John 19:5. Behold the Man. See Expository Times (1983).

Suggit, J.N. (John): Nicodemus - the true Jew. See Neotestamentica (1980).

Svea. Folkkalender för 1884,1889 (1883,1888). See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1936-1940,1942-1948,1950,1956,1957/1958,1959-1961,1963/1964,1965,1967-1971,1972/1973,1974,1976/1977,1978-1986,1988-1989,1992-1995,1998-1999,2001,2004-2005,2007)

Svensk folkkalender 1895. See Rydberg, Viktor: Konst och litteratur.

Svenska Dagbladet 1903-02-20 - 1903-05-30. See Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter 1900-1912.

Svenska folket genom tiderna 9 (red. Ewert Wrangel) (1939)

Svenska Morgonbladet 1911-10-18. See Strindberg, August: Essäer, tidningsartiklar och andra prosatexter 1900-1912.

Svenska Turistföreningens årsskrift 1968 (1968)

Svensson, Knut: En för alla (1956,1961)

Swadling, Harry C.: Sin and Sinlessness in 1 John. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1982).

Swahn, Sven Christer. See Lagerlöf, Selma: Vägen mellan himmel och jord - Berättelser om det övernaturliga.

Swanson, Daniel M.: Expansion of Jerusalem in Jer 31:38-40: Never, Already, or Not Yet. See The Master's Seminary Journal (2006).

Swedish Pioneer Historical Quarterly (1957). See Barton, H. Arnold: Letters From The Promised Land - Swedes in America, 1840-1914.

Sweeney, James B.: Stephen's speech (Acts 7:2-53): Is it as "Anti-Temple" as is Frequently Alleged? See Trinity Journal (2002).

Swenson, Johnnes: A journey from Sweden to Texas 90 Years Ago (1957). See Swedish Pioneer Historical Quarterly 8 (1957): 128-35.

Swetnam, James: The Bestowal of the Spirit in the Fourth Gospel. See Biblica (1993).

Swetnam, James: The Meaning of "pepisteukotos" in John 8:31. See Biblica (1980).

Sylva, Dennis: Nicodemas and His Spices (John 19:39). See New Testament Studies (1988).

Syreeni, Kari: Att leva i tiden efter Jesus. Det johanneiska avskedstalet - Joh 13-17 - i hermeneutisk belysning. See Mitternacht-Rubensson.

Syreeni, Kari: Partial Weaning: Approaching the Psychological Enigma of John 13:1-7. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (2007).

Syreeni, Kari: Working in the Daylight: John 9:4-5 and the Question of Johannine "Literary Archeology". See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (2005).

Söderblom, Anna: Ett år - ord för varje dag samlade ur Nathan Söderbloms skrifter (1953)

Taizé - A Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth (1996)

Talis Qualis. See Strandberg, Carl Wilhelm August.

Tanner, J. Paul: Rethinking Ezekiel's Invasion by Gog. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1996).

Tanner, J. Paul: The "Marriage Supper of the Lamb" in Rev 19:6-10. Implications for the Judgment Seat of Christ. See Trinity Journal (2005).

Tavo, Felise: The Structure of the Apocalypse. Re-examining a Perennial Problem. See (the journal) Novum Testamentum (2005).

Tertullian. See The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol III.

Texte und Untersuchungen (1959,1968,1973)

The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol I-X (Eerdmans Publishing Company 1885,1978-79)

The Evangelical Quarterly (1938,1944,1951,1957,1959,1966-1967,1970-1971,1973-1976,1980-1982,1986-1988,1991,1994,1996,1999-2003)

The Expository Times. See Expository Times.

The Master's Seminary Journal (1993-1994,1996,2006)

The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, see Schaff.

Themelios (1988-1989,1992-1993,1997-1999,2002,2004)

Theologische Zeitschrift (1980)

Theology (1975,1993)

Thiselton, Anthony C.: The Meaning of Sarx in 1 Corinthians 5:5: A Fresh Approach in the Light of Logical and Semantic Factors. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1973).

Thomas, John Christopher: "Stop Sinning Lest Something Worse Come Upon You." The Man at the Pool in John 5. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1995).

Thomas, John Christopher: The Fourth Gospel and Rabbinic Judaism. See Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (1991).

Thomas, Robert L.: An Analysis of the Seventh Bowl of the Apocalypse. See The Master's Seminary Journal (1994).

Thomas, Robert L.: The "Comings" of Christ in Revelation 2-3. See The Master's Seminary Journal (1996).

Thomas, Robert L.: The spiritual gift of prophecy in Rev 22:18. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1989).

Thomas, Robert L.: The Structure of the Apocalypse: Recapitulation or Progression? See The Master's Seminary Journal (1993).

Thomas, Robert L.: Theonomy and the Dating of Revelation. See The Master's Seminary Journal (1994).

Thompson, Alan: Blameless Before God? Philippians 3:6 in Context. See Themelios (2002).

Thompson, John Arthur: The Book of Jeremiah (1980,1992)

Thompson, Marianne Mete: Signs and Faith in the Fourth Gospel. See Bulletin for Biblical Research (1991).

Thornton, T.C.G.: 1 Peter, a Paschal Liturgy? See Journal of Theological Studies (1961).

Thornton, T.C.G.: The Crucifixion of Haman and the Scandal of the Cross. See Journal of Theological Studies (1986).

Tidball, Derek: Songs of the Crucified One: The Psalms and the Crucifixion. See Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (2007).

Tiden (1884). See Strindberg, August: Kvarstadsresan, Fabler och Societeten i Stockholm samt andra prosatexter 1880-1889.

Tobin, Thomas H.: The Prologue of John and Hellenistic Jewish Speculation. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1990).

Toit, A.B. du: The incarnate word - a study of John 1:14. See Neotestamentica (1968).

Toit, B.A. du: The aspect of faith in the Gospel of John with special reference to the farewell discourses of Jesus. See Neotestamentica (1991).

Tolmie, D. Francois: A discourse analysis of John 17:1-26. See Neotestamentica (1993).

Tolmie, D. Francois: The characterization of God in the Fourth Gospel. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1998).

Tolmie, D. Francois: The function of focalisation in John 13-17. See Neotestamentica (1991).

Travers, Michael. See Patterson, Richard D.-Travers, Michael: Contours of the Exodus Motif in Jesus' Earthly Ministry.

Treblico, Paul: What Shall We Call Each Other? Part Two: The Issue of Selfdesignation in the Johannine Letters and Revelation. See Tyndale Bulletin (2003).

Trinity Journal (1980,1986,1991-1994,1997,1999,2002-2005)

Trudinger, Paul: An Israelite in Whom There is No Guile: An Interpretive Note on John 1:45-51. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1982).

Trudinger, Paul: Some Observations Concerning the Text of the Old Testament in the Book of Revelation. See Journal of Theological Studies (1966).

Trudinger, Paul: The Cleansing of the Temple: St John's Independent, Subtle Reflections. See Expository Times (1997).

Trump, David: Central and southern Italy before Rome (1966)

Tsuchido, Kiyoshi: Tradition and Redaction in John 12:1-43. See New Testament Studies (1984).

Turner, M. Max B.: Spirit Endowment in Luke-Acts: Some Linguistic Considerations. See Vox Evangelica (1981).

Turner, M. Max B.: The Concept of Receiving the Spirit in John's Gospel. See Vox Evangelica (1977).

Tyndale Bulletin (1957,1960,1962,1964-1965,1971,1973,1977,1980-1982,1986-1989,1991,1993-1997,2000-2005,2007)

Ulfgard, Håkan: Feast and Future. Revelation 7:9-17 and the Feast of Tabernacles. (1989)

Valdes, Adylson: Number 666 and the Twelve Tribes of Israel. See Revista Biblica (2006).

Valentine, Simon Ross: The Johannine Prologue - A Microcosm of the Gospel. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1996).

Vanhoozer, Kevin J.: Worship att the Well. From Dogmatics to Doxology (and Back Again). See Trinity Journal (2002).

Vardagsord - En annorlunda andaktsbok (1992)

Vetus Testamentum (1978,1987,1994,1996,1998-1999,2001-2002)

Vickers, Brian J.: Mark's Good News of the Kingdom of God. See Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (2004).

Villers, J.L. de: The Shepherd and his flock. See Neotestamentica (1968).

Villiers, P.G.R.: Prime evil and its many faces in the Book of Revelation. See Neotestamentica (2000).

Villiers, P.G.R. de: The Lord was crucified in Sodom and Egypt. Symbols in the Apocalypse of John. See Neotestamentica (1988).

Vinci, Leonardo da. See Rydberg, Viktor: En underbar man - Leonardo da Vinci.

Viviano, Benedict T.: The Structure of the Prologue of John (1:1-18): A Note. See Revue Biblique (1998).

Voorwinde, Stephen: John's Prologue: Beyond Some Impasses of Twenteth Century Scholarship. See Westminster Theological Journal (2002).

Vorster, W.S.: Characterization of Peter in the Gospel of Mark. See Neotestamentica (1987).

Vorster, W.S.: "Genre" and the Revelation of John: A Study in text, context and intertext. See Neotestamentica (1988).

Vorster, W.S.: The Meaning of "parrêsia" in the Epistle to the Hebrews. See Neotestamentica (1971).

Vox Evangelica (1967,1977,1981)

Växjö Stifts Hembygdskalender 1996/97

Waal, C. van der: The Gospel according to John and the Old Testament. See Neotestamentica (1972).

Wahlde, Urban C. von: The Witnesses to Jesus in John 5:31-40 and Belief in the Fourth Gospel. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1981).

Waldenström, P: Nya Testamentet med förklarande anmärkningar (1892)

Waldenström, P: Predikningar öfwer Swenska kyrkans nya högmessotexter. Andra årgången. Första delen. "Högmessotexter II" (1876)

Walker Jr, William O.: The Lord's Prayer in Matthew and John. See New Testament Studies (1982).

Wallace, Daniel B.: John 5.2 and the Date of the Fourth Gospel. See Biblica (1990).

Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge: The readings "(hellênas)" and "(hellênistas") Acts XI:20. See Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis (1883).

Watson, P.: The Tree of Life. See Restoration Quarterly (1980).

Watt, Jan G. van der: A new look att John 5:25-9 in the light of the use of the term "eternal life" in the Gospel according to John. See Neotestamentica (1985).

Watt, Jan G. van der: The Composition of the Prologue of John's Gospel: The Historical Jesus introducing Divine Grace. See Westminster Theological Journal (1995).

Weatherly, Jon A.: The Jews in Luke-Acts. See Tyndale Bulletin (1989).

Weiss, Herold: Foot Washing in the Johannine Community. See Novum Testamentum (1979).

Wendel, François: Calvin (1950,1963,1965)

Wendland, E.R.: Rhetoric of the word. An interactional discourse analysis of the Lord's prayer of John 17 and its communicative implications. See Neotestamentica (1992).

Wendland, E.R.: What is truth? Semantic density and the language of the Johannine Epistles (with special reference to 2 John). See Neotestamentica (1990).

Wenham, David: A Historical View of John's Gospel. See Themelios (1998).

Wenham, David: The Enigma of the Fourth Gospel: Another Look. See Tyndale Bulletin (1997).

Wern, Paul: Gud - vem är du? (1986)

Westminster Theological Journal (1971,1973,1975,1982,1985,1987,1989,1993-1996,2002-2004)

Wiarda, Timothy: Revelation 3:20: Imagery and Literary Context. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1995).

Widén, Albin: Amandus Johnson, svenskamerikan. En levnadsteckning. (1970). See Barton, H. Arnold: Letters From The Promised Land - Swedes in America, 1840-1914.

Wilcox, Max: The "Prayer" of Jesus in John XI:41b-42. See New Testament Studies (1977).

Wilkinson, John: A Study of Healing in the Gospel according to John. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1967).

Wilkinson, John: The Incident of Blood and Water in John 19:34. See Scottish Journal of Theology (1975).

Wilkinson, John: The Quail Epidemic of Numbers 11:31-34. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1999).

Williams, David T.: The Sabbath: Mark of Distinction. See Themelios (1989).

Williams, Michael E. (editor): Exodus-Joshua (1992)

Williams, Michael E. (editor): Genesis (1991,1992)

Williams, P.J.: P 115 and the Number of the Beast. See Tyndale Bulletin (2007).

Williams, Ritva H.: The Mother of Jesus at Cana: A Social-Science Interpretation of John 2:1-12. See Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1997).

Wilson, Jeffrey: The Integrity of John 3:22-36. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1981).

Wilson, S.: Anti-Judaism in the Fourth Gospel? See Irish Biblical Studies (1979).

Winter, Bruce W.: "If a Man Does Not Wish to Work . . ." A Cultural and Historical Setting for 2 Thessalonians 3:6-16. See Tyndale Bulletin (1993).

Winter, Bruce W.: Providentia for the Widows of 1 Timothy 5:3-16. See Tyndale Bulletin (1988).

Winter, Bruce W.: "Seek the Welfare of the City": Social Ethics According to 1 Peter. See Themelios (1988).

Wirén, Edvin: När han öppnade boken (1951)

Wiseman, Donald J.: Rehab of Jericho. See Tyndale Bulletin (1964).

Witkamp, L.T.: Jesus' Thirst in John 19:28-30: Literal or Figurative? See Journal of Biblical Literature (1996).

Witkamp, L.T.: The Use of the Traditions in John 5:1-18. See Journal for the Study of the New Testament (1985).

Woll, D. Bruce: The Departure of "the Way": The First Farewell Discourse in the Gospel of John. See Journal of Biblical Literature (1980).

Wong, Daniel K.K.: The Beast from the Sea in Revelation 13. See Bibliotheca Sacra (2003).

Wood, A. Skevington: Social Involvement in the Apostolic Church. See The Evangelical Quarterly (1970).

Wood, Leon J.: Simeon, the tenth tribe of Israel. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1971).

Wright, George Ernest: The Samaritans at Shechem. See Harvard Theological Review (1962).

Wyatt, Nicolas: "Supposing Him to be the Gardener" (John 20:15): A Study of the Paradise Motif in John. See Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (1990).

Wyller, Egil A.: In Solomon's Porch: A Henological Analysis of the Architectonic of the Fourth Gospel. See Studia Theologica (1988).

Wärenstam, Eric: Messias - Messiastro och Messiasförväntan inom judendom och kristendom (1953)

Yamauchi, Edwin: De första kristnas värld (1981)

Yamauchi, Edwin: Slaves of God. See Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society (1966).

Yavari, Birgitta: I mitt hjärtas trädgård (1976)

Yearbook of the Swedish Historical Society of America (1921-22). See Barton, H. Arnold: Letters From The Promised Land - Swedes in America, 1840-1914.

Young, Richard Alan: The Knowledge of God in Romans 1:18-23: Exegetical and Theological Reflections. See Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (2000).

Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (1977)

Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (1955,1964,1970,1982,1990-1991)

Zerwick, Max-Grosvenor, Mary: A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament (1966,1981,1984)

Zimmerman, Ruben: Nuptial Imagery in the Revelation of John. See Biblica (2003).

Åsberg, C.: Om språk och stil i NT 1981. See Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (1982).

Schools, courses


Social science. Statistics, political economics, business economics, political science, economic history, law.

Bachelor of Arts. Lund university 1964.

Master of Arts. Stockholm university 1967.

Pedagogical school

Teacher of special subjects, history and society. Göteborg 1966.

Classical antiquity history. One year, half time ("20p"). Gothenburg university 1984-85.

Classical Greek. Corresponding half a year, full time ("20p"). Lund university 1988-89.

University (Theology)

Religion science (Christianity history, Religious community science, Religion sociology, Dogmatics and Ethics, Religion Psychology, World religions). Corresponding one year and a half, full-time ("60p"). Lund university 1987-89.

Biblical science, the New Testament - linguistic course. Corresponding one year and a quarter, full time ("50p"). Lund university 1987-1989.

Biblical science, the Old Testament - linguistic course. Corresponding half a year, full time ("20p"). Lund university 1989-90.

Attended higher seminars in the NT (the books of John) at the universities in Lund and Uppsala 1990-1997.

Other schools, courses

"How you become a real Christian." Correspondence course by David Hedegård, Doctor of Divinity. Evangelical School, Kortebo, Jönköping. 1963.

Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Correspondence School.

The Good News. 1974.

Survey of the Scriptures - Volume 1. 1975.

Memorize the Word. 1975.

Beginning with Genesis. 1976.

Psalms - Songs of Praises. 1976.

The Bible says. 1976.

Daniel - The Framework of Prophecy. 1976.

John - Life Through Believing. 1977.

1 Corinthians. 1977.

Apostasy Unmasked - a Study in Jude. 1977.

The Thessalonian Letters. 1977.

Survey of the Scriptures - Volume 2. 1977.

Survey of the Scriptures - Volume 3. 1977.

Bible Prophecy. 1977.

Revelation - God's Final Word to Man. 1977.

The Life of Christ. 1978.

Matthew - The Gospel of the King. 1978.

Isaiah - A Study in Events to Come. 1978.

Sing, David, Sing - The Life of David. 1978.

Redemption in Exodus. 1978.

Acts - Power for Witnessing. 1979.

Romans - Amazing Grace. 1979.

The Gospels in Galatians. 1979.

I and II Peter - Growing in Grace. 1979.

Hebrew - from Shadow to Substance. 1979.

The Advanced Study Series - The Gospels. 1980-83.

Evening Bible School - The New Testament. Kortebo Mission School, Jönköping. 1978-79.

Exegetics (Jonah, Romans, 1 Peter) and Biblical Greek. The Mission School of the Swedish Alliance Mission, Jönköping. 1984-85.